A Kaggle competition in which the target variable is the price of a property. Using various ML Regression algorithms and hyper parameter tuning, an optimal Gradient Boosting Model is created
Medium Link : https://medium.com/@p99bratislav/regression-models-on-kaggles-house-pricing-competition-309286702b09
Directory Layout
check_me_out : images of project results, analyses and model evalutions
house-prices-advanced-regression-techniques : train and test data supplied by Kaggle
wrangled_data : data ready for models to be generated. Created by cleaning, wrangling, imputing data supplied by Kaggle.
data_process.py : py script whichc preps data for models, output in wrangled_data/
regression_models.py : py script performing various ML Regression Models
sources.txt: compilation of links guiding me in my study