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bsorrentino edited this page Oct 3, 2015 · 2 revisions


Basic Declaration

                <prop>the_text_value</prop><!-- SIMPLE TEXT -->
                <prop1></prop1><!-- FROM CLASSPATH -->
                <prop2>file://${basedir}/confluence.html</prop2><!-- FROM FILE SYSTEM -->

Add labels

    <parentPageTitle>Home</parentPageTitle><!-- PARENT PAGE IN THE GIVEN SPACE -->
    <title>custom_title</title><!-- PAGE TITLE (default ${}) - SINCE 3.1.3 -->


Inject custom properties within template

    <parentPageTitle>Home</parentPageTitle><!-- PARENT PAGE IN THE GIVEN SPACE -->
    <title>custom_title</title><!-- PAGE TITLE (default ${})  - SINCE 3.1.3 -->



        <myprop></myprop><!-- SINCE 3.2.4 -->
        <htmlpage>file://${basedir}/src/main/resources/confluence.html</htmlpage><!-- SINCE 3.2.4 -->



Change wiki files extension

    <parentPageTitle>Home</parentPageTitle><!-- PARENT PAGE IN THE GIVEN SPACE -->
    <title>custom_title</title><!-- PAGE TITLE (default ${} )- SINCE 3.1.3 -->



Authentication Tip

Put yours confluence credential within settings.xml as server


Take note that also maven encryption is supported

Use template variables

By default the plugin use an internal template to generate confluence page. You can customize the generated page creating a personal template into folder ${basedir}/src/site/confluence named The template can include all valid confluence contents plus the following built-in variables

Built-In template variables

Variable Description
${project.summary} project summary
${project.scmManager} scm information
${project.dependencies} dependencies
${pageTitle} title of home page
${childTitle} title of the current child page
${artifactId} artifactId
${version} version
${gitlog.jiraIssues} list of JIRA issuses, extracted from gitlog since start tag
${gitlog.sinceTagName} name of version tag to start extract JIRA issues

Tips & Tricks

  • How to refer to an image


  • How to refer to an child's image within child page


  • How to refer to an attachment


  • How to refer to an child's attachment within child page


Git log template variables

Main idea is automated creating of release notes with list of resolved JIRA issues utilizing integration between JIRA and Confluence.


  • Include JIRA issue key in git commit message
  • Using git as SCM and using version tags in git

Git log configuration options

  • gitLogJiraIssuesEnable

Set it to true for enabling substitution of ${gitlog.jiraIssues} build-in variable. Default value is false.

  • gitLogSinceTagName

Parse git log commits since last occurrence of specified tag name.

  • gitLogUntilTagName

Parse git log commits until first occurrence of specified tag name.

  • gitLogCalculateRuleForSinceTagName

If specified, plugin will try to calculate and replace actual gitLogSinceTagName value based on current project version ${project.version} and provided rule.

Possible values are:

  • NO_RULE.
  • CURRENT_MAJOR_VERSION. For example 1.2.3 will be resolved to 1.0.0
  • CURRENT_MINOR_VERSION. For example 1.2.3 will be resolved to 1.2.0
  • LATEST_RELEASE_VERSION. For example, if latest known version from version tags is 1.0.1 and current artifact (not released) version is 2.0.0, it will be resolved to 1.0.1
  • gitLogJiraProjectKeyList

JIRA projects keys to extract issues from gitlog. By default it will try extract all strings that match pattern (A-Za-z+)-\d+

  • gitLogTagNamesPattern

The pattern to filter out tagName. Can be used for filter only version tags

  • gitLogGroupByVersions

Enable grouping by versions tag

Sample produced output of ${gitlog.jiraIssues} with gitLogGroupByVersions=true


Template example

{info:title=Useful Information}
This page has been generated by [maven-confluence-plugin|]


h1. Introduction

project description

h1. Usage

How to use the project




Maven Repository

From Release 3.0.1 this plugin is available from MAVEN CENTRAL REPO If you want stay tune over modification, includes the following repository declaration in your POM


