Releases: buckets/application
v0.57.5 - 2020-11-12
NEW: Added a debugging tool for those extra tricky bugs
FIX: Tooltip flickering on calculator has been fixed (#498)
FIX: Now you can't accidentally make duplicate transactions by pressing enter really quickly (#487)
FIX: Application no longer crashes when trying to open a non-existent file (#488)
FIX: Fix goal date picker going to wrong year (#527)
FIX: Newly created "Save X by Y date" buckets now immediately show the required deposit after you enter a goal (#526)
FIX: Fixed bug where a invalid timestamp caused an error when attempting to turn it into a date (#529)
FIX: The Make it so button again clears out all the current values in In/Out (#531)
Reduced error logging for missing locales (#489)
Deprecated Amazon Reconciliation tool, sniff
v0.57.4 - 2020-10-14
NEW: Make SimpleFIN sync faster by requesting whole time period at once (#511)
FIX: Fixed several date/time and timezone bugs, especially for our friends down under. (#515, #516, #518, #519)
FIX: Fixed error that caused too many requests to SimpleFIN server (#522)
Made null-checking more strict to prevent TypeErrors (#517)
v0.57.3 - 2020-10-05
NEW: Remove need to select timezone (#180)
FIX: Fix goal bucket being off by one month (#407)
FIX: Fixed end-of-month, disappearing transactions bug (#514, #510, #170)
v0.57.2 - 2020-08-21
FIX: Show on the import page that Buckets can import OFX, QFX and CSV files (#445)
FIX: Fix undo/redo bug that would sometimes break budget files (#484)
Changing between months is faster now.
v0.57.1 - 2020-08-12
FIX: Fix bug where opening multiple budgets caused interference between them. It was never reported from users, so it may never have been a problem other than in development.
FIX: Fixed bug that prevented transaction data from being updated (#479)
v0.57.0 - 2020-07-31
FIX: Fix excessive use of file descriptors crash (#474)
FIX: Fix macOS notarization for Catalina (#478)
Refactored the computation of most budget values to make it consistent with mobile app.
Better explanation of how to categorize debt transactions.
v0.56.2 - 2020-06-12
FIX: Turned a silent crash into a reported crash (#464)
FIX: Fix date-formatting bug that caused crash (#468)
FIX: CSV importing with separate "sign" column works again (#442)
FIX: Fix issue where currency symbol would get corrupted when changing it (#469)
FIX: Attempted fix for macOS 10.10 failure to run after update. (#472)
Removed the part on the export page asking why you're exporting data.
v0.56.1 - 2020-05-21
FIX: Fix random, discrepency between uncategorized transaction count and the transaction badge. (#453, #454)
FIX: No more security error on macOS Catalina (#428)
FIX: Fixed OFX import error when accounts have no name (#386)
FIX: Fixed error when reopening the same budget file without quitting (#451)
FIX: Undoing of large actions now works (#450)
v0.56.0 - 2020-04-20
NEW: Buckets is now available in Italiano! Grazie!
NEW: Various translation additions/changes for Polski, Deutsch and Français.
FIX: Guide navigation in Windows fixed (#452)
NEW: Desktop app can now communicate with upcoming mobile apps.
v0.55.4 - 2019-06-11
NEW: Added keyboard shortcuts for going forward and back a year.
FIX: Year-to-Year and Month-to-Month analysis charts now clearly indicate the period being averaged and totaled. (#343)
FIX: Analysis chart dots are finally lined up (#158)
FIX: Clicking on a bucket's Want column will no longer try to remove money from a bucket that has been overfilled. (#396)
FIX: Daylight savings time no longer confuses the goal date calculations. (#288)
FIX: When searching on the page for something, the find next/find prev buttons now work (#353)
FIX: Guide is reachable again on Windows/Linux (#402)
FIX: You can now access invalid years (e.g. 200 AD) to fix mistakenly added transactions. (#400)
FIX: The month selector will now show even if the content below it is very wide. (#257)
FIX: Off-budget transactions no longer show up in analysis charts (#397, #296)
FIX: When entering transfers, the same date is now used for both transactions. (#391)
v0.55.3 - 2019-05-27
FIX: Fixed bug that was labelling Income as Debt when entering transactions. (#390)
FIX: Sidebar calculator now correctly honors chosen number format. (#398)
FIX: Fixed it so that clicking on the want bubble doesn't fill in the in/out amount so as to prevent the tooltip from staying open annoyingly. (#395)
FIX: Fixed it so that when entering a transfer, the +/- toggle will correctly toggle between Transfer From/To. (#348)
FIX: Importing from YNAB4 no longer appears to hang (though it is still a little choppy). (#399)
FIX: Fixed bug where YNAB4 import multiplied numbers by 100 (#387)
v0.55.2 - 2019-05-15
NEW: Upgraded font to better support Cyrillic characters (#381)
FIX: Search box now appears on top of everything, including faint cents (#356)
FIX: Fixed bug where Linux Beta version would offer to update to latest non-Beta version (#383)
FIX: Long numbers no longer split across lines. (#389)
FIX: When you have many accounts showing in the left navigation bar, you can now scroll down to see all nagivation items. (#380)
FIX: Added more logging for unhandled errors
FIX: Fixed a bug in the Want for Save X by Y date buckets where the amount would change incorrectly after depositing an amount during a month. (#346)
FIX: Fixed error during some YNAB4 imports. (#392)
v0.55.1 - 2019-03-26
- FIX: Fixed bug with want values not showing up (#377)
v0.55.0 - 2019-03-16
NEW: Made internal changes to allow for portable Windows versions of Buckets to work (#292)
FIX: Debt account payment buckets now correctly show up in the transaction categorization dropdown (#368)
FIX: Fix Uncaught TypeError for old debt payment buckets (#367)
FIX: Fixed bug that prevented importing GnuCash OFX files (#332)
FIX: You no longer have to switch between importing CSV files or QFX/OFX (#342)
FIX: OFX files which lack unique transaction ids can now be imported (#336)
v0.54.1 - 2019-03-09
- FIX: Fix Windows 64-bit installation
v0.54.0 - 2019-02-28
NEW: Removed Beta preference (since there's now a separate Buckets Beta application)
NEW: Your email address is remembered when you report a bug (so you don't have to enter each time you report a bug).
v0.53.1 - 13 Dec 2018
- FIX: Fix erroneous SignMismatch error (#323)
v0.53.0 - 12 Dec 2018
NEW: Accounts and balances can now optionally be shown in the side bar if you want. Use the per-budget settings page to toggle. (#99)
NEW: Total Want is now shown for each bucket group. (#274)
NEW: This change might annoy you at first, but once you get used to it, you'll like it :) When entering transactions, the amount now defaults to a negative amount since most transactions are expenses. You can enter positive amounts by clicking the big minus button or by entering a negative number. (#307)
NEW: Money inputs now stay the same width even when doing math inside of them. Computed values are displayed in a floating tag above the input rather than to the side.
FIX: Fix CSV import error when CSV contains blank header cells. (#316)
FIX: Top bar expenses are no longer red so that red is reserved for problem-like situations. (#291)
FIX: Clicking account names now opens up the account details rather than editing the account name. You can still edit account names by clicking on the name in the details pane. (#244)
FIX: When importing from YNAB4, you can choose the YNAB4 file or as a convenience to users, any file inside it (#318)
v0.53.0 - 12 Dec 2018
NEW: Accounts and balances can now optionally be shown in the side bar if you want. Use the per-budget settings page to toggle. (#99)
NEW: Total Want is now shown for each bucket group. (#274)
NEW: This change might annoy you at first, but once you get used to it, you'll like it :) When entering transactions, the amount now defaults to a negative amount since most transactions are expenses. You can enter positive amounts by clicking the big minus button or by entering a negative number. (#307)
NEW: Money inputs now stay the same width even when doing math inside of them. Computed values are displayed in a floating tag above the input rather than to the side.
FIX: Fix CSV import error when CSV contains blank header cells. (#316)
FIX: Top bar expenses are no longer red so that red is reserved for problem-like situations. (#291)
FIX: Clicking account names now opens up the account details rather than editing the account name. You can still edit account names by clicking on the name in the details pane. (#244)
FIX: When importing from YNAB4, you can choose the YNAB4 file or as a convenience to users, any file inside it (#318)
v0.52.0 - 17 Sep 2018
FIX: Attempted fix at unreproducible account deletion error. (#301)
FIX: Attempted fix of goal date inconsistency (#288)
FIX: Errors related to entering licenses are better logged now. (#229)
FIX: OFX files with multiple accounts inside can now be imported. (#302)
FIX: Make sure newly-created budget files end with the correct extension. (#304)
FIX: Fixed bug where tooltip would flicker at the edge of the screenstatus (#299)
More internal refactoring for mobile apps.
v0.51.0 - 6 Aug 2018
NEW: Added some Net Wealth charts (#171)
NEW: When transactions are created for a month other than the one you're looking at, a notification will pop up to let you know that it was successfully created. (#283)
NEW: Added shortcut keys for going to next and previous month. Also included them in the Budget, Go To... menu. (#266)
NEW: Using an old version of Buckets to open a newer budget file displays a warning now. (#280)
FIX: Restored Buckets License bucket for the trial version. It accidentally got removed a few versions back.
FIX: Fixed a bug so that now, when you change a transaction's date to another month, the transaction will disappear from the current month as it should. (#275)
FIX: Fixed bug where Linux Beta installations would offer to downgrade to latest non-beta version. (#279)
FIX: Fewer characters are swallowed when searching on the page. (#270)