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Releases: buckets/application


10 May 16:23
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IMPORTANT NOTE: It is very likely that auto updating will fail (because Buckets is now a signed application). You may need to re-download manually at

v0.44.0 - 10 May 2018

  • NEW: Buckets is now signed for macOS and Windows! This means you shouldn't get as many warnings when trying to install it. (#150)

  • FIX: Indicate that you might have to download the new version manually (#203)

  • Switched out sqlite for sqlite3-offline (#183)


08 May 16:00
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v0.43.1 - 8 May 2018

  • FIX: Fix bug preventing the remapping of CSV files (#199)

  • FIX: Fix for bug with CSV importing where numbers were multiplied by 100 because the chosen language's default number format was not honored. (#200)


07 May 16:24
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v0.43.0 - 7 May 2018

  • NEW: You can now choose a currency symbol to be displayed with the top summary numbers. Go to the new Settings tab (look on the bottom left corner) and type in your favorite symbol. (#107)

  • FIX: Fixed alignment on Buckets table headings. (#193)

  • FIX: Fix CSV import bug (#190)

  • FIX: Dates are properly formatted according to your chosen locale again. (#186)

  • FIX: "Save X by depositing Z/mo" buckets no longer keep wanting after the goal has been reached (#192)

  • FIX: When launching from the command line, look for custom BUCKETS_LANG environment variable instead of LANG.

  • FIX: Fix no-internet false positive error (#195)

  • FIX: The Recurring Expenses month slider is no longer impossible to use (#188)

  • FIX: Fix Starting over bug when you want to delete everything, including buckets (#191)


30 Apr 16:30
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  • NEW: Transactions can now be marked as cleared or not. (#172)

  • NEW: CSV importing supports CSVs where the postive/negative amount is broken out into a column separate from the amount. (#185)

  • NEW: Now translated into Nederlands!

  • FIX: Fixed CSV parsing bug with Amazon Reconiler (#178)

  • FIX: You can now import CSV files that don't have a header row (#119)

  • FIX: CSV import supports amounts that use commas for decimal points. (#184)

  • FIX: Fix date picker problem with macOS High Sierra (#112)

  • FIX: Removed 'Chat' as an option when an error occurs.

  • FIX: Semicolon-delimited CSVs (so SSV?) are now supported. (#181)

  • FIX: You can now set the timezone in Preferences in case Buckets detects your timezone incorrectly.


24 Apr 17:46
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  • NEW: You can now click on a bucket's want to fill in the remaining amount. (#ZFU7DkdT)

  • NEW: French translation now available! Merci, Raoul de Limézy !

  • NEW: Loading screen is nicer (#7q3euALq)

  • NEW: Accounts can now be designated as Off Budget. Currently, it is of little use, but makes the way for tracking assets and debts (such as mortgages and investment accounts) over time. (#6Vo5DIEu)

  • NEW: After importing from YNAB4, a list of transactions to review is now shown. Also there's a progress bar. (#KS5dedMe)

  • FIX: Now 'About Buckets' works consistently on macOS, Windows and Linux (#Hvkf87aR)

  • FIX: Balance as of date listed in account detail view now lists the date of the latest transaction instead of the end of the month. (#hMSy6JbF)

  • FIX: A different icon is now used for the clear-the-categories button. It was an X; now it's a circle with a line through it. (#Iz84zvni)

  • FIX: Fixed bug where kicking a bucket would change the top right month. (#qTNqjNav)

  • FIX: Safety switches (the ones that require to clicks to do the action) don't bleed now. (#1zvGUn99)

  • FIX: When you create a transaction without a category, it won't flash a warning anymore (#YwcStIKB)

  • FIX: Transactions are sorted by date first, instead of account also. This will make transfers that happen at the same time appear next to each other. (#D6Ftd0rZ)

  • FIX: Notes with just whitespace are considered empty now (#RZBnnlKJ)

  • Slimmed down and alphabetized translation files to make it easier for translators and to make fewer conflicts. (#wMIaJ47X)

  • Upgraded internal libraries and platform. (#hcyvkiIZ, #dwtG0GDO)


29 Mar 17:06
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  • FIX: Let us check for updates again if an update fails to download. (#Qtufqzis)

  • FIX: Fix YNAB4 import error for transactions with mixed-sign categorizations (#KiDm6dZS)


26 Mar 20:19
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  • NEW: Added a 'Start Over' tool. (#gMedmoLD)

  • FIX: Letters are no longer eaten when writing a note on any object. (#ZQa6alQo)

  • FIX: You can choose a number format independent of your language. (#ZaP9MCUO)


23 Mar 16:57
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  • FIX: Fix white on white text in transaction dropdown on Windows (#Cb24GGRR)


22 Mar 15:51
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  • FIX: Fixed a bug in CSV importing (#2KYzgBet)

  • FIX: Sync time range alert is not correct.


21 Mar 21:40
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  • NEW: It's now much easier to record transfers between accounts. When creating a transaction, simply mark it as a transfer and choose the account the funds are coming from or going to. (#W1s6v7WU)

  • NEW: The Buckets tab is cleaner (less busy) through the following changes. The balance of each bucket is now the first number. "Out" and "Transfer" columns have been combined into a single "Activity" column. When there is an amount in the "In/Out" field, the current and future balance no longer make the table expand horizontally. The heading labels are repeated for each bucket group. Effective balance is no longer shown when in debt. (#VSy1vj99, #6T7u0kWO)

  • NEW: You can now categorize transactions as you enter them, instead of having to categorize them after adding them.

  • NEW: The Recurring Expenses analysis chart now remembers the time period you chose. (#2yalBubk)

  • NEW: Names of translation contributors appear in the source file of each language. (#1s7TvSdi)

  • FIX: For labels with a bright yellow background, black text is now used instead of white. In other words, you can read the words now :)

  • FIX: Simple categorization is preserved after editing transactions. (#L7jULmPb)

  • FIX: Only list recently-opened files that still exist. (#OvGiy3pc)

  • FIX: Refunds/returns now add money to the 'Activity' column rather than the 'Rain' column on the Buckets view. (#zmXmsVbp)