- Menu
-Copy library top stats to clipboard
(tab separated values) - Export gun support for the following features (the mod might not yet support that)
- support to send back generated names to the export gun
- support to receive neuter and dead creature status
- separator line in library species list below favorites
- better user feedback if a wild level cannot be determined (displayed 0, now displays ?)
- fix for total level in breeding planner concerning mutation levels
- new stats status update when moving wild-mutation levels
- preserve custom species order when toggling favorite species
- if copy name to clipboard fails, retry and finally handle exception
- exception fix if editing a creature before viewing it in library
General Infos
Which version to take?
- Use the setup-ArkSmartBreeding-(version).exe for an installation in the system's programs folder. Suitable for single user installations.
- Extract the ARK.Smart.Breeding_(version).zip in an arbitrary folder to use it as a portable or shared installation.
Give Feedback on Discord, in the github-issues-section or on the official ARK-forums.