Presentation 1 YouTube Link
Presentation 2 YouTube Link
Presentation 3 YouTube Link
Project Aim:
A time of Global Pandemic, protests, and presidential changes, but mainly a time of uncertainty. No one knows how long it will take the world to develop a vaccine, and until then, our financial markets are going to be very unstable. As I write this, I realize that the past two weeks showed on of the fastest stock rebounds in history. Then today (6/11/2020), the Dow experienced the 27th largest 1-day decline in history after experiencing one the fastest stock rebounds in history. My goal is to find lucrative investment opportunities during this black swan event.
Research Questions:
What are the current market conditions?
How has the Coronavirus impacted stock prices and why is investing now such a troubling time?
There are many companies researching Coronavirus vaccines, could investing in these companies be the most prudent option?
We are in the middle of a textbook definition of a recession (two consecutive quarters of GDP decline).
Do certain stocks perform better following a recession?
Can machine learning be used to classify the outperforming stocks from the underpeforming stocks? If so, what are the characteristics that separate winners from losers?
Daily New U.S. Covid-19 Confirmed Cases: Provided by the CDC [Used in figure 1].
Daily S&P 500 Daily Closing Prices (12/01/2019 - 6/26/2020): Provided by Yahoo Finance [Used in figure 1 & 2].
Daily S&P 500 Daily Closing Prices (12/31/1967 - 12/31/1967): inspired by Bloomberg article [Used in figure 2].
Mosiac Dataset of 2008 - 2018 Russell 3000 Index Constituents : Provided by Bloomberg Terminal subscription, but purely for analysis. None of the underlying data is made accessible in this project. The Russell 3000 Index tracks the performance of approximately 98% of all U.S. incorporated equity securities ( ). [Used in model construction].
Efficient Frontier Portfolio: Daily closing prices of stock data from yahoo [Used in Deliverable 3].
If time allots, visuals will be created through Tableau. However, most will start out as a python visual and may stay as a python visual if that seems to be best option.
Bloomberg Terminal (for research purposes, any underlying data is not available on this website. Manipulated and de-identified data is available on github).
Chen, James. “Learn What a Piotroski Score Is.” Investopedia, Investopedia, 5 Feb. 2020,
Donges, Niklas. “A Complete Guide to the Random Forest Algorithm.” Built In, 2020,
Kim, Ricky. “Efficient Frontier Portfolio Optimisation in Python.” Medium, Towards Data Science, 11 Jan. 2019,
Koehrsen, Will. “How to Visualize a Decision Tree from a Random Forest in Python Using Scikit-Learn.” Medium, Towards Data Science, 19 Aug. 2018,
Pathak, Manish. “TPOT in Python.” DataCamp Community, 2018,
Piotroski, Joseph D. “Value Investing: The Use of Historical Financial Statement Information to Separate Winners from Losers.” Journal of Accounting Research, vol. 38, 2000, p. 1., doi:10.2307/2672906.
Slidehack. (2019). The X Note [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved July 1, 2020, from
Wixom, Dakota. “Introduction to Portfolio Risk Management in Python.” DataCamp, 2020,
“Yahoo Finance - Stock Market Live, Quotes, Business & Finance News.” Yahoo! Finance, Yahoo!,