The COS registration server but as an operator
The charm is still under development and is not available yet on CharmHub.
The deployment assumes that a Juju model is deployed with microk8s. Instructions on how to set up microk8s with Juju are available here.
To deploy the local charm follow these instructions:
Clone the source repository
git clone
Build the charm with
charmcraft pack
Deploy the charm with the following command:
juju deploy ./cos-registration-server_ubuntu-22.04-amd64.charm --resource
Test the installation by executing the following command:
curl -v <unit_ip>:80/api/v1/devices
This charm can be integrated with the COS lite bundle
An overlay is offered in this repository to ease up deployment.
To deploy with COS lite bundle follow these instructions:
Clone the source repository
git clone
Enter the folder
cd cos-registration-server-k8s-operator
Build the charm with
charmcraft pack
Deploy cos-lite bundle with the robotics overlay as follows:
juju deploy cos-lite --trust --overlay ./robotics-overlay.yaml
NB. this bundle is in development and attempts to deploy additional and local charms. Before deploying make sure to have these charms in the folder.
Once deployed the charm will be accessible via traefik at the following link: