Releases: capjan/CoreLib
Releases · capjan/CoreLib
Version 12.0
Version 11.1
- Added GuidParser
- Improved DateTimeParser to allow parsing of unspecified input dates
- Fixed a bug that allows throwing an exception in ParseOrNull Method of the Parser interface
Version 11
- Added ResourceManager with the goal to make accessing embedded resources a bit easier
- Added Possibility to add a Equals Block Predicate with Repetition to ParserInput
- Added Exceptions for wrong usage of Repetition Predicates (ParserInput)
- Added detection of Windows 11 to OperatingSystemInfo
- Removed method ClearLookahead because it is not needed anymore. Set Lookahead count directly to 0 to clear the lookahead in future (ParserInput)
- Fixed a bug in ParserInput that causes a ZeroOrMany Repetition when ZeroOrOne was requested.
- Improved documentation
Version 10.2.0
- Added possibility to get the last processed character of the Input Parser
- Added possibility to check for word boundaries in Input Parser predicates
- Added extension method to InputParser to read a string of a given length
Version 10.1.0
- Added possibility to use the character set matching without repetition option
Version 10.0.0
- Changed using of Parser Input
Version 9.3.1
- fix: PredicateBuilder of ParserInput does not reset the internal predicate on calling done() that prevents reusing the builder
Version 9.3.0
- Added possibility to add equal string predicates to ParserInput
- Added macOS Ventura to OS name resolver
Version 9.2.1
- fixed a wrong NuGet packaging of the
Version 9.2.0
- Added possibility to force a given SiPrefix in FileSizeFormatter
- Added documentation