SmartlingRails is a gem making localization with the smartling localization service easier in a ruby on rails environment. The Gem simplifies the uploading, status checking, and retrieval of information from smartling into a rails app that uses I18N localization.
Communication with smartling is done via their APIs and leverages the smartling gem.
If you are interested in helping out / contributing to this project please read CONTRIBUTING guide
The uploading of rials I18N files to smartling, monitoring their translation status, and pulling them all back down into your config/localization
folder is a very manual process.
We wanted to create a way to simplify the process of localization within our project workflow and automate as much of the process as possible.
This gem is a core part of that automation because it understands how to safely send I18N files to smarling and safely retrieve their translated counterparts back.
Translating files with smartling is now as easy a little configuration and two commands.
$> gem install smartling_rails
$> irb
-> require 'smartling_rails'
-> sr = SmartlingRails.processor
-> sr.get_file_statuses
Checking status for ["French fr-FR", "German de-DE", "Dutch nl-NL"]
fr-FR completed: false (158 / 161)
de-DE completed: true (161 / 161)
nl-NL completed: true (161 / 161)
-> sr.put_files
Uploading the english file to smartling to process:
uploading config/locales/en-us.yml to /files/[PROJECT_NAME]-[GIT_BRANCH_NAME]-en-us-.yml
-> sr.get_files
Checking status for ["French fr-FR", "German de-DE", "Dutch nl-NL"]
Downloading fr-FR:
file loaded...
Fixing Issues:
fixing tabs from 4 spaces to 2 space
removing space after branch root : \n to :\n
remove "---" from first line
yes, replaced dashes
converting smartling locale code to CB locale code
Downloading de-DE:
file loaded...
Fixing Issues:
fixing tabs from 4 spaces to 2 space
removing space after branch root : \n to :\n
remove "---" from first line
yes, replaced dashes
converting smartling locale code to CB locale code
Downloading nl-NL:
file loaded...
Fixing Issues:
fixing tabs from 4 spaces to 2 space
removing space after branch root : \n to :\n
remove "---" from first line
yes, replaced dashes
converting smartling locale code to CB locale code
This gem comes fully equiped with rake commands to help leverage the gem from the command line.
Once you've installed the gem using gem install smartling_rails
or by adding gem 'smartling_rails', '~> 0.0.4'
to your Gemfile you can update your Rakefile with the following lines:
spec = Gem::Specification.find_by_name 'smartling_rails'
load "#{spec.gem_dir}/lib/tasks/smartling_rails.rake"
This will allow you to perform the following from the command line:
$> bundle exec rake -T
rake smartling:get # download the translations ...
rake smartling:put # upload the en-us.yml file...
rake smartling:status # check statuses
$> bundle exec rake smartling:put
$> bundle exec rake smartling:status
$> bundle exec rake smartling:status
Attempting to get translation statuses:
You are working with this remote file on smartling: /files/smartling-rails-[APPNAME]-[BRANCHNAME]-en-us.yml
Smartling Ruby client 0.5.1
Checking status for ["French fr-FR", "German de-DE", "Dutch nl-NL"]
fr-FR completed: false (158 / 161)
de-DE completed: true (161 / 161)
The smartling_rails gem consists of 3 components
the Config class The config class loads and provides access for the configuration of the gem and how it interacts with your local application as well as the smartling APIs:
- api_key the api key for your smarling account
- project_id the smartling project id
- locales the hash of locales you support (locally and/or on smarlting)
the SmartlingProcessor class The smartling processor class is responsible for defining the commands of the gem. The ability to upload, download, and get status for the translations is done in this class.
the SmartlingFile class The smartling file class is responsible for the processing of the smartling YAML response to correct a handful of YAML problems that occur when using Smartling's YAML service. These include, removal of '---' from the file's first line, converting 4 spaces per tab to 2 spaces, removing misc spaces after nodes, converting smartling codes to local codes (if needed).
The configuration of how smartling_rails processes information to/from your application and smarting is done in the following ways:
Local .env
SMARTLING_APP_NAME=[your_app name_id]
ENV (pending)
Yaml file Defining which locales your application supports can be done via yaml configuration file. If this file is missing there will be an exception. If this file is blank you will not be able to check status or get your localizations.
The configuration file needs to reside in the config/
folder and be called smartling_rails.yml
. Here is an example:
smartling: fr-FR
custom: fr-fr
smartling: de-DE
custom: de-de
smartling: nl-NL
custom: nl-nl
smartling: it-IT
custom: it-it
smartling_rails is dependant on the smartling gem version 0.5.1 or higher.