A permutation library for Golang.
Use NewPerm() to generate a Pemutator, the argument k must be a non-nil slice,and the argument less must be a Less function that implements compare functionality of k's element type. If k's element is ordered,argument less can be nil.For ordered in Golang, visit http://golang.org/ref/spec#Comparison_operators
func NewPerm(k interface{}, less Less) (*Permutator, error)
After generating a Permutator, the argument k can be modified and deleted,Permutator store a copy of k internel.A Permutator can be used concurrently
Invoke Permutator.Next() to return the next permutation in lexcial order.If all permutations generated,return an error
func (p *Permutator) Next()(interface{}, error)
Invoke Permutator.NextN() to return the next n permuation in lexical order.
func (p *Permutator) NextN() interface{}
The returned interface{} can be modified,it does nothing to do with the Permutator
Invoke Permutator.Left() to return the number of ungenerated permutation
func (p Permutator) Left() int
Invoke Permutator.Index() to return the index of last permutation, which start from 1 to n! (n is the length of slice)
func (p Permutator) Index() int
Invoke Permutator.Reset() to reset the permutator
func (p *Permutator) Reset()
Invoke Permutator.MoveIndex() to move the current index position of the permutator
func (p *Permutator) MoveIndex(index int) (int, error)
If successful, the integer value of the new index position is returned. If an error occurs, an error is return and the index position will not be adjusted.
An example:
func main() {
i := []int{1,2,3}
p,err:=NewPerm(i,nil) //generate a Permutator
if err != nil {
for i,err:=p.Next();err==nil;i,err=p.Next(){
fmt.Printf("%3d permutation: %v left %d\n",p.Index()-1,i.([]int),p.Left())
1 permutation: [1 2 3] left 5
2 permutation: [1 3 2] left 4
3 permutation: [2 1 3] left 3
4 permutation: [2 3 1] left 2
5 permutation: [3 1 2] left 1
6 permutation: [3 2 1] left 0
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