Since I have my printer located in the garage (insulated but not heated) and want to print year-round, I decided to add a VAT Heater to combat the freezing temperatures we get for several months of the year. I searched for a deal on the heating tape I purchased, got one off ebay for a decent price (I elected to stay away from brewer's belts due to their built-in regulators). You could go that route and try removing the regulator from it, we need to be able to heat past the range a brewer's belt is designed to hold. Two options exist for the thermostat:
A "BANG BANG" on/off thermostat (has its own relay built-in) or a "SSR" style that uses a heavy-duty solid-state external relay and rapidly cycles the element on/off to more closely maintain the set temp.
I elected to go for the first option, for physical size considerations and price.
The Inkbird can be set to a +/- 0.5 C tolerance for maintaining the set temperature. This has been sufficient for my needs. I recommend using an IR Thermometer for setting the "Delta" (temperature difference between what the probe reads and the resin temp.) Mine has worked out to ~ -8 C (its currently 0 C in the space and the VAT + Chassis is all aluminum, so I'm losing a fair bit of heat to thermal conductivity.)
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