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QualCoder 2.7

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@ccbogel ccbogel released this 03 Jul 01:59
· 3154 commits to master since this release

Change to module importing

Now uses relative imports.

Fixed bugs:

Coding text: when searching for text and the 'all files' option is selected, an error occurs. (due to an upgrade in another functionality). Fixed.

Case deletion: This can affect the case attributes for multiple cases. Fixed.


Added dark mode. Activate in Settings.

Added search text function in Journals and in Manage Files > view audio/video file.
Improved overly sensitive code extension and reduction keys in Code text(Shift or Alt + Left or Right arrow).

Added new auto-code function in Code text. This function uses start and end marks for autocoding. It includes all of the start mark and stops just before the end mark. The line ending character is '\n'.

Added Important function to coding. This flags coded text, AV, images as important codes. To use for exemplars.

Added files filter when coding text, AV, images. This shows a filtered list of files, based on attribute values selected.

Added 'I' shortcut in code text code av text to mark important

The codes tree - can now merge one category into another category.

Improved importation of file variables from REFI-QDA Projects.
Improved exportation of REFI-QDA Project file.

Added ctid unique autointeger column to the code_text database table.
This also updates older QualCoder projects, when opened.

Can now edit coded text files while the text file contains coded/annotated/case-assigned text. Avoid selecting text chunks and deleting or pasting text across selected text chunks which contain combinations of unmarked text sections and marked coded/annotated/case-assigned sections. As this will not update those assigned text segments correctly.

Added function to report on annotation in a text file.
Added function to add reporting memos: Options: None, Coded text memos, All memos.

Post-release bugs

  1. Sometimes a category is incompletely deleted. If you find some reports are taking forever to run and nothing is occurring run the following line in Reports_SQL to show the category and fix the slow reports running (fixed in 2.8 version):

update code_cat set supercatid=null where supercatid is not null and supercatid not in (select catid from code_cat)

  1. The case variables (attributes) can be deleted, due to a bug in ManageFiles. So for now, do not make use of case attributes. Bug fixed in the upcoming 2.8 version. (File deletion may affect case attributes also, as a part of this bug).

Installation and running QualCoder:


Install VLC from or from the Windows Store.

8 July 2021. For this release for the first time, I have created an exe for Windows 10, 64 bit using pyinstaller. You still need to install VLC above. Double-click the QualCoder exe to run.

For manual install:

Download the and extract it. Download and install the Python programming language The minimum version that works for QualCoder is python 3.6. Download the file (at the bottom of the web site) "Windows installer (64-bit)" (or 32-bit if you have an older system) and install Python. IMPORTANT: in the first window of the installation mark the option "Add Python to PATH"

Install extra modules to Python. Type the letters "cmd" in the Windows Start searching engine, and click on the black software "cmd.exe" - this is the command console for Windows. In the console paste, using the right-click context menu (ctrl+v does not work) the following:

py -m pip install pyqt5 lxml Pillow ebooklib ply chardet pdfminer.six openpyxl

Then click enter. Wait, until all modules are installed (the command phrase should be again visible: "C:\Users[Your Windows account name]> or similar).

Run QualCoder from cmd.exe Move to the QualCoder-2.7 folder. Then type py -m qualcoder

Or run by double-click. Open the QualCoder-2.7\qualcoder folder. Double-click the file to run. You can make a shortcut to this file and keep the shortcut on the desktop.


Install these modules from the terminal:

sudo apt install python3-lxml python3-ply python3-six python3-pdfminer python3-chardet python3-qt5 python3-pillow

On some Linux versions you will need to install pip

sudo apt install python3-pip

sudo python3 -m pip install pdfminer.six openpyxl ebooklib

In the terminal, Go to the QualCoder-2.7 folder, then type:

sudo python3 install

To run. From the terminal type:


This release does not include a Debian install package.

Windows exe

I have added a Windows 10 exe for 64bit Windows:

Exe developed using: PyInstaller: 4.2; Python: 3.8.0 on Windows-10-10.0.19041-SP0

There are some minor changes in the file compared to the source zip to assist loading translation files.

Install recent versions of Python3 and VLC.

Download the latest release "Source code" version in ZIP format, from the releases section of the project here on Github: and extract it into /Applications

Open the Terminal app (or any other command shell)

Install PIP (if not yet installed, try typing pip3 --version and hit ENTER)

curl -o
-> You should now be able to run pip3 as above.

Install Python dependency modules using pip:
(you might already have them, don't do this again if you just update QualCoder to a newer version)

pip install pyqt5 lxml pillow six ebooklib ply chardet pdfminer.six openpyxl
Install system dependencies using Homebrew (aka brew)
6.1) Install brew if do not already have it (try typing brew and hit ENTER):

Follow instructions here about installing Homebrew on your macOS:
6.2) Install QPDF package (needed to deal with PDF files) using Homebrew package manager:

brew install qpdf

From the QualCoder-Master directory run this command:

python install

To Run:

python3 /applications/QualCoder-2.7/qualcoder/

You can install QualCoder anywhere you want, so the path above depends on where you extracted the archive.

Another option to run Qualcoder is shown here: This means you can right-click on the file and open with --> python launcher. You can make an alias to the file and place it on your desktop.

Another option to install on Mac:

Open the Terminal App and move to the unzipped Qualcoder-Master directory, then run the following commands:

pip install -U py2app or for a system installation of python sudo pip install -U py2app

python3 py2app