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@ccbogel ccbogel released this 18 May 21:54
· 1276 commits to master since this release

QualCoder 3.3 Release

Binaries (double-click to run) are available at the end of the release page for:
Windows 10/11 QualCoder-3.3.exe md5 checksum: 0b8f50b6d6c5e22d3cb17d2c78f2facb
Ubuntu 22.04 QualCoder-3.3-Ubuntu-22.04 md5 checksum: b7eff6944e0da74c444b710f451eae15

On first use, Windows will ask you to allow to run QualCoder. This is because it is from an unknown publisher.
It costs a lot of money to get a trusted publisher certificate - so that will not be possible for the foreseeable future.


Import a codes list from a plain text file. One code name per line. No categories are applied.
Projects created in 3.3 (or newer). If opened in older versions of QualCoder, text files may not be display in the Coding - Code Text section.


Throughout - added more key shortcuts. Under Help there is an option to display all the key shortcuts.
The colour selector shows how code colours can be seen with different types of colour impaired vision.
Under Coding menu there is a new window called Colour scheme. This allows a range of selected colours to be applied to a range of codes. This area also shows how the colours may be seen by people with different types of colour impairment.

Manage files

Can hide columns by right-click on the table header row for options to hide that column or to hide columns beginning with specific text. Or to show columns where the column name starts with specific text.
Can assign a file to a case via right-click menu when in the cases column.
Can right-click on a URL in an attribute and open the URL with the default web browser.
Faster table filling.

Twitter data

Import twitter data from a fully quoted csv file.
Example file in Examples folder.
Requires these exact column names: id and full_text headers for tweet data and screen_name for user data.
Additional tweet fields can be these exact column names:
created_at, coordinates, retweet_count, favorite_count, lang
Additional user fields can be:
location, url, description, followers_count, friends_count, listed_count, favourites_count, statuses_count

The twitter import page also has an example of how to use R with RTweet to extract tweet data. This was tested and worked before twitter applied a fee for service. Note that currently there is a cost associated with accessing twitter data. I cannot give advice on any problems you may have getting twitter data.

The tweet data is loaded into individual database files (Manage Files), The user data is loaded into cases (Manage cases). Multiple tweets (stored as files are assigned to the matching user (case).

Manage cases

Faster table filling
Can hide columns by right-click on the table header row for options to hide that column or to hide columns beginning with specific text. Or to show columns starting with a text value.
Can order by case name or by attribute value, ascending or descending.
Can hide rows by right-click menu and selecting a text value that equals or 'is like' some chosen text.

Case file manager

Some improved functions in this dialog include a check box to hide assigned files. The right hand side text edit will fill with any file text when the file is selected in the left hand side table.


Some markdown is enacted to make viewing journal entries nicer:
#, ##, ### for heading levels
**text** for bolded text
*text* for italic text

Code text

'in vivo' coding added. Selected text becomes the code

Colour scheme

There is a new window for setting colour ranges to codes. It also has options to see the codes from difference colour vision perspectives.

Bugs in this release

Code Text: Mouse text hover. Annotation tooltips from other text files are shown when mouse hovers at annotation position in the current text file.

Coder comparisons report. Error and fails to make report.

Merge codes error - unique integrity error - identical codes on identical text positions for identical coder. Probably been present for a few releases. But a rare occurence in practice.