Telegram bot for downloading video or audio from multiple sites, you can run it with single command.
⏬ Download commands
/video <download url>
/video <format> <download url>
/v <download url>
/audio <download url>
/audio <format> <download url>
/a <download url>
🚀 Simple usage with Docker. (To run without docker see setup)
docker run -d --name telegram_youtube_downloader --restart unless-stopped -e TELEGRAM_BOT_KEY=<TELEGRAM_BOT_KEY> cccaaannn/telegram_youtube_downloader:latest
🏠 Example with default command
You can set a default command to run a download command on bare messages.
docker run -d --name telegram_youtube_downloader --restart unless-stopped \
-e telegram_bot_options__default_command=video \
🔑 Example with authorization
You can set authorization rules per user see authorization config. If you have many users you can map the configs directory to a local directory and edit the config file.
docker run -d --name telegram_youtube_downloader --restart unless-stopped \
-e telegram_bot_options__authorization_options__mode=ALLOW_SELECTED \
-e telegram_bot_options__authorization_options__users__0__claims=all \
-e telegram_bot_options__authorization_options__users__0__id=<TELEGRAM_USER_ID_1> \
-e telegram_bot_options__authorization_options__users__1__claims=audio,help \
-e telegram_bot_options__authorization_options__users__1__id=<TELEGRAM_USER_ID_2> \
💾 Example with mapped volumes
- You can map logs to a local directory. See logger options.
- You can also map the configs directory to a local directory if you have too many custom configurations.
docker run -d --name telegram_youtube_downloader --restart unless-stopped \
-v <YOUR_LOGS_PATH>/logs:/app/logs \
-v <YOUR_CONFIGS_PATH>/configs:/app/telegram_youtube_downloader/configs \
🔎 Example with search
You can use search command to search videos on YouTube. See search feature.
docker run -d --name telegram_youtube_downloader --restart unless-stopped \
🍪 Example with cookie file
You can use a cookie file to download without getting blocked.
docker run -d --name telegram_youtube_downloader --restart unless-stopped \
-e youtube_downloader_options__audio_options__cookiefile=/app/cookies/cookies.txt \
-e youtube_downloader_options__video_options__cookiefile=/app/cookies/cookies.txt \
-v <YOUR_COOKIES_PATH>/cookies:/app/cookies \
🪪 Example with PO token
You can use visitor data and PO token on downloads to bypass blocking on some sites.
- You can use YouTube trusted session generator project to get PO token and visitor data for YouTube.
docker run -d --name telegram_youtube_downloader --restart unless-stopped \
-e youtube_downloader_options__audio_options__extractor_args='"youtubetab:skip=webpage;youtube:player_skip=webpage,configs;visitor_data=<VISITOR_DATA>;youtube:po_token=web.gvs+<PO_TOKEN>"' \
-e youtube_downloader_options__video_options__extractor_args='"youtubetab:skip=webpage;youtube:player_skip=webpage,configs;visitor_data=<VISITOR_DATA>;youtube:po_token=web.gvs+<PO_TOKEN>"' \
🐳 Example with compose
You can use docker compose to run. See docker compose.
- Copy
docker compose -f compose/default.yaml up -d
🏗️ Example with terraform
You can use terraform to deploy the bot. See setup/terraform
cd terraform/aws
terraform init
terraform apply
This project depends on yt-dlp and it is constantly updated, a daily Docker build pipeline added to keep the project up to date with external dependencies. It is not tested so might not be stable but if you are getting download errors on the latest version you can use daily until latest is fixed.
docker run -d --name telegram_youtube_downloader --restart unless-stopped -e TELEGRAM_BOT_KEY=<TELEGRAM_BOT_KEY> cccaaannn/telegram_youtube_downloader:daily
- Setup for more ways to run the bot.
- Configurations for all configurable options.
- Hardware Acceleration for using ffmpeg with hardware acceleration.
- Api Server for using with custom telegram api server with increased download limits.