- Install node.js (version > 10.16) - https://nodejs.org/en/
- Install npm (version > 5.6) - https://www.npmjs.com/ (note I just upgraded to 7.17 => npm install -g npm)
- React - https://reactjs.org/
- .NET Core 5, Visual Studio 2019 or equivalent
- DB - Mongo DB - details to follow...
- \api - This contains a .NET web API back end for marketplace. Within this solution, the DB database connections to Mongo DB will occur.
- \frontend - This contains the REACT front end for the marketplace app.
- \images - These are starter images loaded into the system to be used in content areas.
- \sample-data - This contains JSON data that mimics the data in the stage Azure Cosmos Mongo DB.
Clone the repo from GIT.
Build/Run the front end (Using a node.js prompt):
cd \front-end npm install npm run start
Verify the site is running in a browser: http://localhost:3000
Build/Run the back end API - CESMII.Marketplace.sln (.NET Solution):
This contains the .NET web API project and supporting projects to interact with marketplace data storage.
Database - Mongo DB:
- We use Mongo DB Compasss to directly inspect, view or edit data as needed.
- The DB is deployed to an Azure location but could be installed locally or to another hosting provider.
- Sample collections of data are stored in the sample-data folder.
In the Azure Portal for AAD, create a new Application Registration "CESMII MarketPlace", configure it for SPA using MSAL 2.0 as per https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/scenario-spa-app-registration:
- Choose all account types: any organization and personal Microsoft accounts, don't specify a redirect URI at this point
Under Authentication, add platform choose Single-Page Application.
Enter a redirect URL pointing to the marketplace instance:
Local development: http://localhost:3000/library.
Staging: https://marketplace-front-stage.azurewebsites.net/library.
Production: https://marketplace.cesmii.net/library.
Enter a Front-channel logout URL. Local development: https://localhost:3000/logout. Similar for stage / production.
Under Implicit/Hybrid Grant Flows, leave Access and ID token unchecked.
Under Expose an API, create
- Add a scope "cesmii.marketplace", consent admin and users.
- Add an Authorized client application using the appid of the SPA registration from step 1 and grant it access to the cesmii.marketplace scope.
Under App roles, create the following roles (all for users/groups):
- Configure the application itself (local config files or in the Azure Portal Settings/Configuration) with the AAD tenant information.
- Download all documents to a .\dump folder:
mongodump /uri:mongodb:... /db:marketplace_db
If using a cloud database/ssl, make sue the uri ends in ?ssl=true.
- Restore into a local database
mongorestore /nsFrom:marketplace_db.* /nsTo:marketplace_db_dev.*