This project features a basic Python script designed to function as a calculator and receipt generator. It allows users to input prices for various items, calculates the total amount, and generates a simple receipt displaying the final bill. This tool is useful for basic financial calculations and generating a receipt for purchases.
- Dynamic Calculation: Continuously updates the total amount as item prices are entered.
- Interactive User Interface: Command-line interface that prompts users for item prices and displays the running total.
- Receipt Generation: Provides a final total and a thank-you message when the user decides to quit.
- Error Handling: Alerts the user if an invalid input is provided and prompts for a valid number or 'q' to quit.
- Python 3.x: Ensure Python 3.x is installed on your system as the script is compatible with Python 3.
- Basic Python Knowledge: Understanding of how to run Python scripts from the command line.
Clone the repository:
Navigate to the project directory:
cd python0
Run the Python script:
python3 python1.txt Follow the prompts to enter item prices. Type 'q' when finished to view the final bill.
Enter the price (or 'q' to quit):
Order total so far: 50.00
Enter the price (or 'q' to quit):
Order total so far: 75.00
Enter the price (or 'q' to quit):
Your bill total is 75.00. Thanks for shopping with us.
Scripts Description
python1.txt: The Python script that calculates the total cost of items and generates a receipt. The script prompts the user for item prices and displays the cumulative total and final bill.
Example Output
Receipt Generation
Enter the price (or 'q' to quit):
Order total so far: 100.00
Enter the price (or 'q' to quit):
Order total so far: 250.00
Enter the price (or 'q' to quit):
Your bill total is 250.00. Thanks for shopping with us.
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes. Ensure that your code follows the existing style and passes all relevant tests.
For any questions or feedback, please open an issue in the repository or contact [email protected]