Angel's Ladder is a simple blog theme for Hugo.
- Simple and clean design
- Responsive design
- Pagination
- Tagging
- Disqus
- Source code highlighting
- Google Analytics
- 修改标题栏中 社交账户的配置参数,增加 微博,微信,简书,邮件,去除不常用的 Twitter、Facebook等国外社交账户
- 在页尾增加文字分类链接
- 增加首页文章简介(summary)
- 增加列表页文字简介(summary)
将文件 Clone 到 hugo 的 themes 文件夹
cd themes
git clone "angels-ladder"
使用皮肤文件夹中的 config.toml 文件 替换原本的 config 文件 (path/to/yoursite 是你 hugo 生成的网站存放路径)
mv web_config/config.toml path/to/yoursite/config.toml
预览效果(path/to/yoursite 是你 hugo 生成的网站存放路径)
cd path/to/yoursite
hugo server -t angels-ladder -D -w
baseurl = ""
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "Ethan's PMbook"
theme = "angels-ladder"
disqusShortname = "Ethan's PMbook"
subtitle = "信心是黑暗中的灯塔,任何时候都不能丢"
about = "#"
weibo = ""
wechat = "htttp://"
jianshu = ""
github = ""
mail = "mailto:[email protected]"
guifan = "/categories/产品规范/"
fenxi = "/categories/产品分析/"
jiqiao = "/categories/技巧分析/"
yanjiu = "/categories/技术研究/"
profile = "/images/ethan.png"
copyright = "Written by Ethan,转载请注明出处,谢谢!"
原版皮肤中关于配置文件的修改说明 To take full advantage of the features in this theme, you can add variables to your site config file.
The following is the example configuration.
baseurl = ""
languageCode = "ja"
disqusShortname = "tanksuzuki"
subtitle = "I would like to be a layer 3 switch."
facebook = ""
twitter = ""
github = ""
showsRSS = true
profile = "/images/profile.png"
copyright = "Written by Asuka Suzuki"
analytics = "UA-XXXXXXXX-X"
Details of each parameter are as follows.
Parameter | Required | Comment |
baseurl | yes | Enter the title of your site. |
languageCode | yes | Enter the language code of HTML. Example: en, ja. |
title | yes | Enter the title of your site. |
disqusShortname | no | Enter the short name of the disqus. If you do not enter, disqus section is hidden. |
subtitle | no | Enter the subtitle of your site. If you do not enter, subtitle is hidden. |
no | Enter the URL of Facebook. If you do not enter, the link is hidden. | |
no | Enter the URL of Twitter. If you do not enter, the link is hidden. | |
github | no | Enter the URL of Github. If you do not enter, the link is hidden. |
showsRSS | no | Enter true to show the URL of RSS. If you enter false or nothing, the link is hidden. |
profile | no | Enter the path to the profile image. If you do not enter, profile section will be hidden. |
copyright | no | Enter the copyright notice. If you do not enter, copyright display is hidden. |
analytics | no | Enter the tracking ID of Google analytics. If you do not enter, the analysis will be skipped. |
shareThis | no | Enter the publisher key of ShareThis. If you do not enter, the ShareThis buttons are hidden. |
To change the theme color, edit the layouts/static/theme.less
Then compile the LESS file by using one of LESS compilers,
and replace the content of layouts/static/theme.css
with the compiled CSS.
The default theme color is #29abe2
Please change the favorite color.
/* Theme color
@color: #29abe2;
For original styles, please edit the layouts/static/custom.css
Open sourced under the MIT license.
- 原作者:Asuka Suzuki
- 修改:Ethan
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