Releases: chaorace/VirtualTrackball
Now with tray icons!
Minimizing the window now dismisses it to the system tray! The commandline and gui versions have also been merged, fixing several issues with the commandline version. When the jar is launched with any commandline argument whatsoever (even useless ones), the application will start minimized to tray, no additional work necessary!
This release changes the default values for Tolerance and Friction.
I found after a day of testing that I liked to make light motions with lots of micro corrections. By lowering the Tolerance threshold to 5 (from 7) and boosting the Friction to .95 (from .975) I found that my experience was a lot more enjoyable.
JNativeHook Release!
This version switches from AWT based mouse polling to JNativeHook based mouse polling. This had the added bonus of allowing ball spinning to be interrupted by clicks!
This release also brings minor stability improvements and an updated Readme
If you encounter issues with this release, try using the v1.1 release instead