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TransEPI: Capturing large genomic contexts for accurately predicting enhancer-promoter interactions

The codes and datasets for Capturing large genomic contexts for accurately predicting enhancer-promoter interactions.

TransEPI is a Transformer-based model for EPI prediction. This repository contains the scripts, data, and trained models for TransEPI.



  • numpy
  • tqdm
  • scikit-learn
  • PyTorch>=1.9.0 (recommended) or PyTorch 1.6.0+
  • pyBigWig (optional, required by for preparing features)


All the datasets used in this study are available at data/BENGI and data/HiC-loops.


Quickstart is a guide for using the pre-trained models provided in models. To train models on custom datasets, please refer to the ``step-by-step guide'' in the next section.

  1. Clone the codes:
git clone [email protected]:biomed-AI/TransEPI.git
  1. Download processed genomic features
  • Download the genomic features from Synapse:syn26156164
  • Edit the feature configuration file ./data/genomic_data/CTCF_DNase_6histone.500.json to specifiy the locations of the genomic feature files downloaded from Synapse. Absolute path is required!
  1. Run the model
cd TransEPI/src
python ./ \
	-t ../data/BENGI/HMEC.HiC-Benchmark.v3.tsv.gz \  # samples to be predicted
	-c ../models/TransEPI_EPI.json \                 # configuration file
        --gpu 0 \                                        # GPU ID, set it to -1 to use CPU
	-m ../models/ \           # model file
	-p output                                        # prefix of the output

The predictions will be available at output.prediction.txt

Step-by-step guide

Prepare genomic data

For cell types not included in Synapse:syn26156164

  1. Download the genomic data required by TransEPI from ENCODE or Roadmap

    • CTCF ChIP-seq data in narrowPeak format
    • DNase-seq data in bigWig format
    • H3K27me3, H3K36me3, H3K4me1, H3K4me3, and H3K9me3 ChIP-seq data in bigWig format
  2. Edit TransEPI/data/genomic_data/bed/CTCF_bed.json and TransEPI/data/genomic_data/bigwig/bw_6histone.json to specify the location of the narrowPeak and bigWig files

  3. Convert narrowPeak and bigWig signals to .pt files

cd TransEPI/data/genomic_data
bash ./
  1. Add the .pt files generated by step 3 to TransEPI/data/genomic_data/CTCF_DNase_6histone.500.json


  • The location of raw narrowPeak and bigwig files should be specified in TransEPI/data/genomic_data/bed/CTCF_bed.json and TransEPI/data/genomic_data/bigwig/bw_6histone.json.
  • The processed data files should be specified in TransEPI/data/genomic_data/CTCF_DNase_6histone.500.json

Prepare the configuration file for model training

The configuration file should be in .json format:

    "data_opts": {	// dataset configuration
        "datasets": [ 	// datasets used to train the model (required by and it will be ignored in
        "feats_order": ["CTCF", "DNase", "H3K4me1", "H3K4me3", "H3K36me3", "H3K9me3",  "H3K27me3"], //  the order of features (do not change the order if you run the models provided by us)
        "feats_config": "../data/genomic_data/CTCF_DNase_6histone.500.json", // location of genomic data configuration file
        "bin_size": 500,        // bin sise used by TransEPI
        "seq_len": 2500000      // the size of large genomic context

    "model_opts": {	// EPI model configuration
        "model": "TransEPI",
        "cnn_channels": [180],
        "cnn_sizes": [11],
        "cnn_pool": [10],
        "enc_layers": 3,
        "num_heads": 6,
        "d_inner": 256,
        "da": 64,
        "r": 32,
        "att_C": 0.1,
        "fc": [128, 64],
        "fc_dropout": 0.2

    "train_opts": {	// model training configuration
        "learning_rate": 0.0001,
        "batch_size": 128,
        "num_epoch": 300,
        "patience": 10,
        "num_workers": 16,
        "use_scheduler": false

Note: The comments marked with // are only used to illustrate the contents in the configuration file. They should not be included in the configuration file because the .json format does not support comments.

Prepare input files

The input to the TransEPI model should be formatted like:

1	572380.0	chr5	317258	317610	chr5:317258-317610|GM12878|EH37E0762690	chr5	889314	891314	chr5:889813-889814|GM12878|ENSG00000028310.13|ENST00000388890.4|-
0	100101.0	chr5	317258	317610	chr5:317258-317610|GM12878|EH37E0762690	chr5	216833	218833	chr5:217332-217333|GM12878|ENSG00000164366.3|ENST00000441693.2|-	316258-318610
0	100101.0	chr5	317258	317610	chr5:317258-317610|GM12878|EH37E0762690	chr5	216833	218833	chr5:217332-217333|GM12878|ENSG00000164366.3|ENST00000441693.2|-	316258-318610;416258-418610

The input file should be tab separated and the fields are:

1. label: for datasets without known labels, set it to 0
2. distance: the between the enhancer and the promoter
3. e_chr: enhancer chromosome
4. e_start: enhancer start
5. e_end: enhancer end
6. e_name: enhancer name, cell type is required be noted in the second field in enhancer name (seperated by `|`): e.g. chr5:317258-317610|GM12878|EH37E0762690
7. p_chr: promoter chromosome
8. p_start: promoter start
9. p_end: promoter end
10. p_name: promoter name
11. mask region (optional): the feature values in the mask regions will be masked (set to 0)

Train the model

  • cross validation
python \
	-c config.json \  # the json file prepared in "Preparing the configuration file for training model"
	--gpu 0 		  # GPU ID, set it to -1 to use CPU
	-o outdir 		  # output directory


The trained models are available at models.


To reproduce the major results shown in the manuscripts, see dev/ (cross validation) and dev/ (evaluation).

Experimental feature

Replace with the src/ to enable TransEPI supporting variable length input


For questions about the datasets and code, please contact [email protected] or create an issue.


Ken Chen, Huiying Zhao, Yuedong Yang, Capturing large genomic contexts for accurately predicting enhancer-promoter interactions, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2022;, bbab577,


Enhancer-promoter interaction model







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