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FTPS based on official latest alpine image

  • Support Multiple architectures
  • Support Authentication
  • Support SSL(ftps) with automatically generated self signed certificate
  • Support passive mode ftps
  • Support umask change
  • Support UserID|GroupID change
  • Support custom TimeZone
  • Support custom event script override

Who I am

Our goal is to create a simple, consistent, customizable and convenient image using official image

Find me at:

Supported Architectures

The architectures supported by this image are:

Architecture Tag
x86-64 amd64, latest
armhf arm32v7, latest
arm64 arm64v8, latest


Here are some example snippets to help you get started running a container.

docker (simple)

docker run -e APP_USER_NAME=admin -e APP_USER_PASSWD=admin -e APP_UID=1000 -e APP_GID=1000 -e PASSV_MIN_PORT=60000 -e PASSV_MAX_PORT=60010 -p 21:21 -p 60000-60010:60000-60010 -v /vsftpd/data:/home/vsftpd/data chonjay21/ftps


docker run \
  -e APP_USER_NAME=admin	\
  -e APP_USER_PASSWD=admin	\
  -e APP_UID=1000	\
  -e APP_GID=1000	\
  -e PASSV_MIN_PORT=60000	\
  -e PASSV_MAX_PORT=60010	\
  -e FORCE_REINIT_CONFIG=false                  `#optional` \
  -e USE_SSL=true                               `#optional` \
  -e APP_UMASK=007                              `#optional` \
  -e TZ=America/Los_Angeles                     `#optional` \
  -p 21:21 \
  -p 60000-60010:60000-60010 \
  -v /vsftpd/data:/home/vsftpd/data \
  -v /vsftpd/cert.key:/usr/certs/cert.key:ro    `#optional for custom certificate(USE_SSL=true)` \
  -v /vsftpd/cert.crt:/usr/certs/cert.crt:ro    `#optional for custom certificate(USE_SSL=true)` \


Compatible with docker-compose v2 schemas. (also compatible with docker-compose v3)

version: '2.2'
    container_name: ftps
    image: chonjay21/ftps:latest
      - "21:21"
      - "60000-60010:60000-60010"
      - APP_USER_NAME=admin
      - APP_USER_PASSWD=admin
      - APP_UID=1000
      - APP_GID=1000
      - PASSV_MIN_PORT=60000
      - PASSV_MAX_PORT=60010
      - FORCE_REINIT_CONFIG=false                  #optional
      - USE_SSL=true                               #optional
      - APP_UMASK=007                              #optional
      - TZ=America/Los_Angeles                     #optional
      - /vsftpd/data:/home/vsftpd/data
      - /vsftpd/cert.key:/usr/certs/cert.key:ro    #optional for custom certificate(USE_SSL=true)
      - /vsftpd/cert.crt:/usr/certs/cert.crt:ro    #optional for custom certificate(USE_SSL=true)


Parameter Function Optional
-p 21 for ftp port
-p 60000-60010 for ftp passive mode port
-e APP_USER_NAME=admin for login username
-e APP_USER_PASSWD=admin for login password
-e APP_UID=1000 for filesystem permission (userid)
-e APP_GID=1000 for filesystem permission (groupid)
-e PASSV_MIN_PORT=60000 for ftp passive mode port range limit
-e PASSV_MAX_PORT=60010 for ftp passive mode port range limit
-e FORCE_REINIT_CONFIG=false if true, always reinitialize APP_USER_NAME etc ... O
-e USE_SSL=false if true, use ssl for ftps (with automatically created selfsigned certificate) O
-e APP_UMASK=007 for filesystem permission umask O
-e TZ=America/Los_Angeles for timezone O
-v /home/vsftpd/data for data access with this container
-v /usr/certs/cert.key for custom ssl certificate O
-v /usr/certs/cert.crt for custom ssl certificate O

Event scripts

All of our images are support custom event scripts

Script Function
/sources/ftps/eventscripts/ called before initialize container (only for first time)
/sources/ftps/eventscripts/ called after initialize container (only for first time)
/sources/ftps/eventscripts/ called before running app (every time)

You can override these scripts for custom logic for example, if you don`t want your password exposed by environment variable, you can override in this manner

Exmaple -

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e

APP_USER_PASSWD=mysecretpassword    # or you can set password from secret store and get with curl etc ...

1. Override with volume mount

docker run \
  -v /ftps/ \

2. Override with Dockerfile

FROM chonjay21/ftps:latest
ADD host/ /sources/ftps/


View license information of this image.

As with all Docker images, these likely also contain other software which may be under other licenses (such as Bash, etc from the base distribution, along with any direct or indirect dependencies of the primary software being contained).

As for any pre-built image usage, it is the image user's responsibility to ensure that any use of this image complies with any relevant licenses for all software contained within.


FTPS based on official latest alpine image







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