####iRacing-style delta bar with variable color ####Uses the sim_info.py module from Rombik
Supported modes, click on the plugin repeatedly to toggle:
- vs all-time best lap
- vs all-time best sectors
- vs all-time optimal lap
- vs session best lap
- vs session best sectors
- vs session optimal lap
Works in multiplayer and offline modes.
The number itself is the improvement/loss for the current lap(or sector), the bar length is a visual representation of that number.
The color of the bar is the fun bit: It shows if you are gaining or losing time. (exit a corner slightly better and it will glow green, even if the delta itself is still in the red; exit a corner significantly faster and it will be bright green)
Best lap telemetry is stored locally in a JSON format.
Does not connect to any remote services, it's entirely local.
It doesn't affect my frame rate on my relatively-low-end CPU, but let me know if something is not working right or it is causing slowdowns.
With "enable_timing_window": true
in Documents/Assetto Corsa/plugins/deltabar/config.txt
####1. Move the entire deltabar folder into:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\apps\python
####2. Run Assetto Corsa, enable the deltabar plugin:
Options -> General -> UI Modules -> deltabar <ENABLED>
####3. When in the car cockpit, activate the menus on the right side, scroll all the way near the bottom, CLICK on the icon with the deltabar
You should see a large rectangle appear.
Drive a lap and then it will show data.
Click on the rectangle to toggle between display modes.
##CHANGELOG: v1.30: October 12 2015
- Support for AC 1.3
- Improved bar look and rounded corners thanks to Alexander
- Improved readability for delta value thanks to Alexander
- Internal refactoring thanks to Alexander
v1.27: March 17 2015
- Support for AC 1.1.2.
- Support single sector tracks.
- BETA version of timing window, 'deltabar timing'. Enable with
"enable_timing_window": true
inDocuments/Assetto Corsa/plugins/deltabar/config.txt
v1.20: January 7 2015
- Fix for many addon tracks, end-of-lap detection was not working.
- Fix for session resets and transitions between practice/quali/race.
- Fix for optimal lap mode when your early sectors were off track.
- Click to change modes uses more visible yellow color.
- Lightly smooth reported delta so it doesn't constantly flip between two values. You can disable this with
"bar_smooth": false
inDocuments/Assetto Corsa/plugins/deltabar/config.txt
- Option to keep delta text in the center of the bar. You can set
"bar_moves": false
inDocuments/Assetto Corsa/plugins/deltabar/config.txt
v1.10: January 3 2015
- Improved visuals
- Optimal lap support
- Fixed left/right sides of bar to match plus/minus of iRacing.
v1.01: December 31 2014
- Initial release
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