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We present an open-source end-to-end framework for disease-specific knowledge discovery from raw text. Extensive benchmarking explores various relation and entity representations for knowledge discovery. Probing experiments investigate transformers ability to capture semantic relations..

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Enhancing Biomedical Knowledge Discovery for Diseases

Official code repository of "Enhancing Biomedical Knowledge Discovery for Diseases: An Open-Source Framework Applied on Rett Syndrome and Alzheimer’s Disease" publication. For a detailed description of the framework, see our paper:

Theodoropoulos, C., Catalin Coman, A., Henderson, J., and Moens, M.-F. Enhancing biomedical knowledge discovery for diseases: An open-source framework applied on Rett syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease. IEEE Access 12 (2024), 180652–180673. doi:



  • Python 3.5+
  • BioPython (tested with version 1.78)
  • nltk (tested with version 3.7)
  • scispacy (tested with version 0.5.1)
  • sklearn (tested with version 0.23.2)
  • spacy (tested with version 3.4.4)
  • pandas (tested with version 1.4.1)
  • numpy (tested with version 1.23.5)
  • pymetamap

Execution steps

  • Run --query [--output_path] to extract the related PubMed article PMIDs given the query term (e.g. python --query 'rett syndrome'). Arguments:
    • query (string): the query term for the search (e.g. rett syndrome or alzheimer's disease)
    • output_path (string) (optional, default value: output/pmid/): the path to store the extracted PMIDs (paper identifiers provided by PubMed)
  • Run --date [--input_path] [--output_path] to retrieve the abstracts given the extracted PMIDs of the first step (e.g. --date '09_03_23') [NOTE 1]. Arguments:
    • date (string): the date of the PMID extraction in the following format: day_month_year
    • input_path (string) (optional, default value: output/pmid/): the path where the extracted PMIDs are stored
    • output_path (string) (optional, default value: output/abstracts/): the path to store the extracted abstracts
  • Run --date [--input_path] to tokenize the sentences of the abstracts. Arguments:
    • date (string): the date of the PMID extraction in the following format: day_month_year
    • input_path (string) (optional, default value: output/abstracts/): the path with the extracted abstracts
  • Run --date [--input_path] to find the number of abstracts per disease and plot the frequency of new released articles per year. Arguments:
    • date (string): the date of the PMID extraction in the following format: day_month_year
    • input_path (string) (optional, default value: output/abstracts/): the path with the extracted abstracts

For the mention extraction two pipelines are provided. One is using the SciSpacy library [1] to extract the mentions and link them in knowledge bases/vocabularies (e.g. UMLS [2], MESH, etc.). The other one is using the UMLS MetaMapLite [3] tool for mention extraction and mapping.

SciSpacy pipeline

The official SciSpacy library utilizes an older UMLS [2] version (2020AA) to train and create the linkers (char-3grams string overlap-based search). Follow the next steps to update the linkers:

  • Download the new UMLS version [2] and store the files under the folder UMLS_update_SciSpacy.
  • Execute the knowledge_base_creation.ipynb notebook to extract the processed knowledge bases (UMLS [2], GO [4], NCBI [5], SNOMEDCT_US [6], HPO [7], MESH [8], RXNORM [9], DRUGBANK [10], GS).
  • Execute the tfidf_creation.ipynb notebook to create the linkers.
  • Find the location of SciSpacy package (i.e. miniconda3/envs/ml_42/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scispacy/). Update the paths of the created linkers accordingly in the scripts and that are contained in SciSpacy library. We provide our updated version of the scripts for reference.
  • Run --date [--linker] [--input_path] [--output_path] to extract the entities [NOTE 2] and link them to the defined knowledge base/vocabularies. Arguments:
    • date (string): the date of the PMID extraction in the following format: day_month_year
    • linker (string) (optional, default value: umls): the knowledge base/vocabulary/taxonomy where the extracted entities are linked. Supported linkers: umls, mesh, rxnorm, go, hpo, drugbank, gs, ncbi, snomed
    • input_path (string) (optional, default value: output/abstracts/): the path with the extracted abstracts
    • output_path (string) (optional, default value: output/mentions_extraction/): : the path with the extracted mentions
  • Run --date [--input_path] to merge the mapped entities of the different linkers (e.g. UMLS, GO, etc.) [NOTE 3]. Arguments:
    • date (string): the date of the PMID extraction in the following format: day_month_year
    • input_path (string) (optional, default value: output/mentions_extraction/): the path with the extracted mentions
  • Run --date [--input_path] to group the extracted entities. Arguments:
    • date (string): the date of the PMID extraction in the following format: day_month_year
    • input_path (string) (optional, default value: output/mentions_extraction/): the path with the extracted mentions
  • Run --date [--input_path] to sample the mapped/linked entities. Some extracted entities are linked in more than one knowledge bases/vocabularies. Based on their entity type (e.g. disease, gene, etc.) a prioritised sampling strategy is defined and used. For example, for an entity with predicted type chemical/drug, we firstly check if there is any linked entity to RXNORM (specific vocabulary for chemicals) in order to sample it. Arguments:
    • date (string): the date of the PMID extraction in the following format: day_month_year
    • input_path (string) (optional, default value: output/mentions_extraction/): the path with the extracted mentions
  • Run --pipeline --date [--input_path] to extract the co-occurrence graph with the frequencies. Arguments:
    • pipeline (string): supported pipelines (scispacy or metamap)
    • date (string): the date of the PMID extraction in the following format: day_month_year
    • input_path (string) (optional, default value: output/mentions_extraction/): the path with the extracted mentions

Metamap pipeline

  • Install MetaMap Lite locally.
  • Move the script under the folder where MetaMap (e.g. metamap/public_mm_lite) is installed.
  • Run --date --metamap_path [--input_path] [--output_path] to extract the mentions using the MetaMap Lite tool. Arguments:
    • date (string): the date of the PMID extraction in the following format: day_month_year
    • metamap_path (string) (default value: metamap/public_mm_lite/): the path to metamap installation
    • input_path (string) (optional, default value: output/abstracts/): the path with the extracted abstracts
    • output_path (string) (optional, default value: output/mentions_extraction/): : the path with the extracted mentions
  • Run --date --disease --entity_expansion [--input_path] [--abstract_path] to process and merge the extracted mentions. Arguments:
    • date (string): the date of the PMID extraction in the following format: day_month_year
    • disease (string) (e.g. rett_syndrome): the name of the disease
    • entity_expansion (int): whether the entity expansion strategy is applied or not [NOTE 4]
    • input_path (string) (optional, default value: output/mentions_extraction/): : the path with the extracted mentions
    • abstract_path (string) (optional, default value: output/abstracts/): the path with the extracted abstracts
  • Run --pipeline --date [--input_path] to extract the co-occurrence graph with the frequencies. Arguments:
    • pipeline (string): supported pipelines (scispacy or metamap)
    • date (string): the date of the PMID extraction in the following format: day_month_year
    • input_path (string) (optional, default value: output/mentions_extraction/): the path with the extracted mentions


© 2024. The code is distributed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.


  • [NOTE 1] : Sometimes the efetch API calls in PubMed fail. Consequently, some abstracts might not be successfully retrieved. The script prints the name of the PMID files (e.g. 'rett_syndrome.json') that haven't been completed. If all the abstract have been successfully extracted the script prints the message: "All abstracts have been extracted successfully!". In the case of API failure, in order to retrieve all the abstracts the script should be executed iteratively until the message that indicates the success is printed.
  • [NOTE 2] : We utilise the 4 provided models (CRAFT [11], JNLPBA [12], BC5CDR [13], BIONLP13CG [14]) to extract a wide range of entity types.
  • [NOTE 3] : In the implementation, we hypothesize that all the supported linkers are used. If this is not the case comment-out lines of code accordingly in the --date [--input_path] script and adjust also the merge_linkers_scispacy function.
  • [NOTE 4] : When the next character of an entity is not one of the following: " ", <, >, (, ), . (in the end of the sentence), then expand the entity as far as the aforementioned restriction holds. For example, if a medication with the name drug is detected and it is drug4.2% in the context, then the drug entity is expanded to drug4.2%.

Please cite our work when using this software.


  author={Theodoropoulos, Christos and Catalin Coman, Andrei and Henderson, James and Moens, Marie-Francine},
  journal={IEEE Access}, 
  title={Enhancing Biomedical Knowledge Discovery for Diseases: An Open-Source Framework Applied on Rett Syndrome and Alzheimer’s Disease}, 


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We present an open-source end-to-end framework for disease-specific knowledge discovery from raw text. Extensive benchmarking explores various relation and entity representations for knowledge discovery. Probing experiments investigate transformers ability to capture semantic relations..






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