docker build -t opsi-docker:4.1 .
Start container after building the image (edit the following lines to match your environment!):
docker run -itd --name opsi-server \
-h \
-v /media/dockerdata/opsi/var/lib/opsi/:/var/lib/opsi/ \
-v /media/dockerdata/opsi/etc/opsi/:/etc/opsi/ \
-e OPSI_USER=adminuser \
-e OPSI_PASSWORD=linux123 \
-e OPSI_BACKEND=file \
-p 4447:4447 \
NOTE This image does not contain a MySQL server. So you have to setup another container or mysql-server and need access to the IP and port (TCP/3306). ---
You need an existing and accessible mysql or mariadb server which meets the given recommendations for opsi. I used the mysql docker container and got some errors during setup. So watch the running setup (2.3) carefully. You also need an existing mysql user with permission on the database.
CREATE USER 'opsiadmin'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'opsi_db_passw0rd';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON opsi.* TO 'opsiadmin'@'%';
If you got and verfied all needed info start the container, e.g.:
docker run -itd --name opsi-server \
-h \
-v /media/dockerdata/opsi/var/lib/opsi/:/var/lib/opsi/ \
-v /media/dockerdata/opsi/etc/opsi/:/etc/opsi/ \
-e OPSI_USER=adminuser \
-e OPSI_PASSWORD=linux123 \
-e OPSI_BACKEND=mysql \
-e OPSI_DB_NAME=opsi \
-e OPSI_DB_OPSI_USER=opsiadmin \
-e OPSI_DB_OPSI_PASSWORD=opsi_db_passw0rd \
-p 4447:4447 \
If you want to have persistent log files add the following volume mounts to your docker command:
-v /media/dockerdate/opsi/var/log/opsi/:/var/log/opsi/ \
-v /media/dockerdata/opsi/var/log/samba/:/var/log/samba/
If you have configured some external repositories and don't want to run the opsi-package-updater
command manually you can set up one cronjob for this.
For now please validate yourself that your crontab syntax is correct.
You don't have to attach the command!
For the initial setup after the first start of your container (in detattched mode) you need to run (in the first 30 seconds after the container started):
docker attach opsi-server
It will ask you if you want to initally want to setup the opsi server.
Do you want to run the setup-script to start using this container? (y/N)
NOTE For this setup the container needs internet connection. ---
After the setup finished (opsi-package-updater has installed some packages) and no breaking errors occured you can detach from the container. Normally [CTRL] + P [CTRL] + Q
You can now connect to your OPSI via https://<DOCKER_IP>:4447 using given credentials.
For some reasons you want to run some commands inside the container, e.g. opsi-package-updater
You can do this in the running container by using the docker exec
Like docker exec -it opsi-server opsi-package-updater -v update
- This container does not use the build in dhcp-server
- If you want to use more than just the opsi-configed you need to expose more ports from the container. You can do this by using the
option - Because you may have some of these ports on your host system already in use I recommend using a dedicated network for this container. I created a dedicated network (vlan) for some container. In this case you don't have to publish a port because the whole container is published. So be careful where you expose your server. I used the following command to start the container after building:
docker run -itd --name opsi-server \
-h \
--dns \
--dns-search localdomain \
-v /media/dockerdata/opsi/var/lib/opsi/:/var/lib/opsi/ \
-v /media/dockerdata/opsi/etc/opsi/:/etc/opsi/ \
-e OPSI_USER=adminuser \
-e OPSI_PASSWORD=linux123 \
-e OPSI_BACKEND=mysql \
-e OPSI_DB_NAME=opsi \
-e OPSI_DB_OPSI_USER=opsiadmin \
-e OPSI_DB_OPSI_PASSWORD=opsi_db_passw0rd \
--network DMZ \
--ip \
- OPSI_USER: adminuser
- OPSI_PASSWORD: linux123
- OPSI_BACKEND: file or mysql
- OPSI_DB_HOST: IP-Address
- OPSI_DB_NAME: Database name
- OPSI_DB_OPSI_USER: Database User
- OPSI_DB_OPSI_PASSWORD: Password for database user
- OPSI_PACKAGEUPDATER_UPDATE: Time in seconds between every opsi-package-updater
-p 137:137
-p 138:138
-p 139:139
-p 445:445
- tftp server (pxe boot)
-p 69:69