Data Set:
The algorithm was applied on a data set of 300 2-D sample points.
The K-Means algorithm performs clustering on the given data with the number K of clusters ranging from 2-10. The objective function as a function of k (k = 2, 3, …, 10) was computed as follows:
where k = number of clusters, n = number of cases, j = the index of cluster to which sample xi is currently assigned, and cj = centroid of the cluster to which xi has been assigned.
Two strategies were implemented for choosing the initial cluster centers.
Strategy 1: randomly pick the initial centers from the given samples.
Strategy 2: pick the first center randomly; for the i-th center (i>1), choose a sample (among all possible samples) such that the average Euclidian distance of this chosen one to all previous (i-1) centers is maximal.
An example of strategy 2's initialization of centroids is illustrated for K = 10.
K = 10
Initialization centroids
[[ 4.95728696 6.90897984]
[ 3.85212146 -1.08715226]
[ 9.26998864 9.62492869]
[ 1.20162248 7.68639714]
[ 6.5807212 -0.0766824 ]
[ 8.87578072 8.96092361]
[ 3.04101702 -0.36138487]
[ 2.95297924 9.65073899]
[ 7.68097556 0.83542043]
[ 2.14633887 8.83030888]]
The output of the K-Means algorithm for K = 10, strategy 2 is shown, followed by the final graph plot of the objective function w.r.t. all K values.
K = 10
Final centroids
[[6.15468228 5.70140721]
[3.16906145 0.81432515]
[8.41127011 8.97490383]
[3.13834768 5.93372322]
[4.91251497 3.56314096]
[7.52197303 8.160704 ]
[2.24204752 3.25100749]
[5.0217766 7.82401258]
[7.55616782 2.23516796]
[2.18321462 7.70355341]]