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TFIDF Keyword Extractor


This app extracts keywords in a text document according to tokens' TF-IDF scores. The IDF scores are generated from a given list of text files in a directory.

Information on the available model

The current available model for keyword extraction is trained with 22 out of 24 NewsHour transcripts listed in batch2.txt. Excluded files' names and reasons of exclusion are:

  • cpb-aacip-525-028pc2v94s: File not found in the dataset
  • cpb-aacip_507-r785h7cp0z: Contains no transcript but an error message

This model is trained with English stopwords removed. Tokens that appears in more than 85% of these 22 documents are also removed (i.e., max_df=0.85)

User instruction

System requirements

  • Requires Python3 with clams-python, clams-utils and scikit-learn to run the app locally.
  • Requires an HTTP client utility (such as curl) to invoke and execute analysis.
  • Requires docker to run the app in a Docker container

Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install the requirements.

Train a model with NewsHour transcripts using

NOTE: If you only look to use the keyword extractor app instead of training your own model, please skip this section and follow instructions in the next section.

After getting into the working directory, run the following line on the target dataset:

python --dataPath path/to/target/dataset/directory

By running this line, does 2 things:

  • cleans all transcripts in a given directory.
  • generates a pickle file named idf_feature_file.pkl by default that stores the IDF values and the corresponding feature dictionary. Currently, this file is not allowed to be renamed, or it affects running later on.

If the pickle file needs to be named differently from the default, then add --idfFeatureFile and the expected name to the command above to change the names.

warning: renaming the pickle file at this step will affect the command for running the keyword extractor in the later step

Default value for max document frequency is 0.85. If a different value for is required, then add --maxDf and the expected float value (max value is 1.0) to the command above.

Extract keywords using TF-IDF values

General user instructions for CLAMS apps are available at CLAMS Apps documentation.

To run this app in CLI:

python --optional_params <input_mmif_file_path> <output_mmif_file_path>

2 types of input MMIF files are acceptable here:

  • The ones that are generated through clams source text:/path/to/the/target/txt/file to extract keywords for a single text document.
  • The ones whose last view containing TextDocument(s) is the view to extract keywords from.

note: If the file storing the IDF values and the feature dict do not have the default file name as listed above, then when running cli.pyaccording to the Apps documentation, before entering input and output MMIF files, add --idfFeatureFile and the corresponding file name

Default number of keywords extracted from a given text document is 10. If the number of extracted keywords is required to be different from 10, when running, add --topN and a corresponding integer value.

Two scenarios may be seen if the input text document is too short:

  1. If the number of tokens in a text document is smaller than the value of topN, then no keywords will be extracted.
  2. If the text contains lots of stopwords, then the number of extracted keywords can be less than the value of topN, because the app ignores all stopwords when finding keywords.

Configurable runtime parameter

For the full list of parameters, please refer to the app metadata from the CLAMS App Directory or the file in this repository.