Experiments with a CLAMS dashboard, starting with an annotation viewer and an evaluation viewer.
Install the necessary Python modules:
pip install streamlit==1.34.0
pip install directory-tree==1.0.0
Or use the requirements file:
pip install -f requirements.txt
The dashboard expects access to a couple of repositories, you should get a local copy of them:
- https://github.com/clamsproject/aapb-annotations
- https://github.com/clamsproject/aapb-evaluations
- https://github.com/clamsproject/aapb-collaboration
Once these repositories are available on your local machine, edit the following lines in code/config.py
if needed:
# The default is that source files, annotations and evaluations are in a sister repository.
SOURCES = '../../wgbh-collaboration/'
ANNOTATIONS = '../../aapb-annotations/'
EVALUATIONS = '../../aapb-evaluations/'
To start the Streamlit application:
streamlit run app.py