This is my first spring boot project for learning spring boot. It is a monolithic application.
Referenced from:
- For using the docker-compose.yml for complete setup:
docker compose up -d
For generating docker image for the using Maven. Need to ensure postgres container is running, since there is reference to it.
./mvnw spring-boot:build-image "<docker username>/<image name>"
For login into docker using access token
docker login -u <docker username> <docker access token>
For pushing the docker image to docker hub (so that others can pull it and run in a container)
docker push <docker username>/<image name>
For running the image and map port 8080 of container to 8080 of device
docker run -p8080:8080 <docker username>/<image name>
Create network
docker network create my-network
For setting up Postgres container
docker run -d --name db --network my-network -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<postgres password> postgres
For setting up pgadmin container (will pull pgadmin4 image if not present in local device)
docker run -d --name pgadmin --network my-network -e [email protected] -e PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=<pg admin password> dpage/pgadmin4
For testing the connection between pgadmin container & db container
docker exec -it pgadmin ping db