This is a python script to post to the Home Assistant REST API using Long Lived Tokens. This will allow you to control lights, switches and input_booleans using command line arguments.
The goal of this repo is to intergrate Blue Iris into Home Assistant. I've included an example Home Assistant package, see blueiris.yaml
. This script is open ended and could be used with any project which is able to execute a python script to trigger a state change. <entity_id> <state> input_boolean.front_door_camera_motion on
The requests module is required. Install requests with pip:
pip install requests
There are two variables which need to be configured
- ha_url - The full url to your Home Assistant instance. Example:
- token - The Long Lived Access Token to be used for the API calls
You will need to edit the script and assign the URL to your Home Assistant instance, as well as the token. You can create a token from your profile page in Home Assistant.
More information can be found here:
Home Assistant configuration for Blue Iris intergration example:
- platform: mjpeg
mjpeg_url: http://<blueiris server ip>:81/mjpg/FrontDoor # This needs to be the URL of your Blue Iris web server
name: Front Door
# If you've configured the BI Web Server to not require authentication from
# LAN connections, remove the the following three lines
username: !secret bi_username
password: !secret bi_password
authentication: basic
- platform: template
device_class: motion
value_template: "{{ is_state('input_boolean.front_door_motion', 'on') }}"
name: Front Door Motion
This will create a binary sensor (front_door_motion) based on the state of the input_boolean (front_door_camera_motion) which can be controlled using the post_to_homeassistant script.