监听某人某些仓库的活动合集,demo 示例:
yiliang114 in microsoft/vscode
- gulp task do not display task name #189556 still in Open ❗ at 2023-08-03
- vscode.dev Cannot open a file in a folder #187826 had been Close 🔒 at 2023-07-13
- Language pack files for some extensions not found #187795 had been Close 🔒 at 2023-07-13
- Automatically expand the last expanded folder when the page is refreshed in web. #187788 had been Close 🔒 at 2023-07-13
- CustomBuiltinExtensions FromLocations will not automatically load the correct
#186701 had been Close 🔒 at 2023-06-30 - Explorer refresh does not show latest data of the file system provider #185312 had been Close 🔒 at 2023-06-16
- Editor does not restore focus after exiting command panel #183890 had been Close 🔒 at 2023-05-31
- Some Unit Test Problems #183506 still in Open ❗ at 2023-05-26
- The Toggle Command of Webview can only open, but not close panel #182266 still in Open ❗ at 2023-05-12
- Forward and backward of trackpad in Webview should be disabled? #182013 still in Open ❗ at 2023-05-10
- The button is squeezed in Extension Preview page #178474 had been Close 🔒 at 2023-03-28
- Search results were not restored when the window was reloaded. #177658 had been Close 🔒 at 2023-03-20
- Failed to open workspace settings file under empty workspace #177639 had been Close 🔒 at 2023-03-20
- Find Widget border-bottom-radius Supplement #176789 had been Close 🔒 at 2023-03-10
- Hard to launch a workbench without a workspace #176763 had been Close 🔒 at 2023-03-10
- Installation dependency is very slow in china for the first time #173242 had been Close 🔒 at 2023-02-03
- Leaving duplicate workspace nodes When refreshing #171458 still in Open ❗ at 2023-01-17
- Label name with
when the workspace is not named #171402 had been Close 🔒 at 2023-01-16 - Is there a plan for
sdk to support Dialog API? #171138 had been Close 🔒 at 2023-01-12 - Should
API return all content providered by User-defined FileSystem provider #170539 had been Close 🔒 at 2023-01-04 - The translation of the delete file menu is inconsistent. #170087 had been Close 🔒 at 2022-12-27
- Extra scroll bar in terminal group #167752 had been Close 🔒 at 2022-11-30
- Regular expression search file is supported in many places. #167751 had been Close 🔒 at 2022-11-30
- Toggle Editor Layout should hidden when there is only one editor group #167745 had been Close 🔒 at 2022-11-30
- TreeView of Debug Watch Style Defect problem #167724 still in Open ❗ at 2022-11-30
- package.json
field cannot be converted inacquireWebNodePaths
#165162 had been Close 🔒 at 2022-11-01 - Unable to specify
run with./scripts/code-web.sh
#164414 had been Close 🔒 at 2022-10-24
yiliang114 in microsoft/vscode-l10n
- Cannot export value on deconstruction #119 still in Open ❗ at 2023-07-07
yiliang114 in microsoft/vscode-test-web
- How to start with https? #42 still in Open ❗ at 2022-09-21
yiliang114 in coder/code-server
- [Bug]: Some link path errors #6187 had been Close 🔒 at 2023-05-03
harbin1053020115 in microsoft/vscode
- Add codelens to stickyScroll #182949 had been Close 🔒 at 2023-05-19
- vscode.dev get crashed while saving a untitled editor #177638 had been Close 🔒 at 2023-03-20
- There is a wrong comment word in 'IPCClient' class(From ipc.ts in vscode source code) #175197 had been Close 🔒 at 2023-02-23
- yarn run watch-web is not worked #168550 had been Close 🔒 at 2022-12-09
易良 |