ENV: mldonkey 3.1.6 on ubuntu 20.04
This repository host the Dockerfile for building mldonkey docker image.
To run mldonkey using this image:
$ docker build -t mldonkey . # then you docker image tag is mldonkey:latest
$ docker run -d --name donkey -p 4080:4080 -p 6881:6881 -p 6882:6882 -p 6209:6209 -p 16965:16965 -p 20562:20562 -p 20566:20566/udp -p 3617:3617/udp -p 6209:6209/udp mldonkey
mldonkey stores data inside /var/lib/mldonkey/incoming directory
then you can access it like
password: Passw0rd
(you can chagne it in Dockerfile when you build ur image)
mldonkey stores data inside /mnt/mldonkey_completed. You may want to mount the data directory to local filesystem.
$ docker run -d
--name donkey
-p 4000:4000
-p 4080:4080
-p 6881:6881
-p 6882:6882
-p 6209:6209
-p 20562:20562
-p 20566:20566/udp
-p 3617:3617/udp
-p 6209:6209/udp
-p 16965:16965
-v "~/data:/mnt/mldonkey_completed"
Your download data will be available under ~/data directory.