This repository has moved here.
Python client to retrieve and query data from CMS Run Registry.
To switch to Dev CMS Run Registry do:
import runregistry
Possible values are "production"
, "development"
(will use the development deployment as target), "qa"
(will use the new SSO proxy on the production deployment) or "local"
(if you have a local instance of Run Registry's backend running).
Python version>=3.6 is required for this package. A virtual environment is also required, if you are in lxplus you should run the following commands:
virtualenv -p $(which python3) venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install runregistry
Grid certificates have been deprecated by CERN. As of version 1.0.0
, the runregistry
client only works with a client ID and a secret.
You will need to create an SSO registration for your application which is going to be using the runregistry API client.
Instructions on how to do it can be found on the cernrequests
GitHub page.
Once you have a client ID and a secret, you will need to store them in a file named .env
. A sample file is provided so that you can edit it and rename it to .env
Alternatively, you can run export SSO_CLIENT_ID=...
and export SSO_CLIENT_SECRET=...
on the same terminal that you will be running your python script in.
import runregistry
run = runregistry.get_run(run_number=328762)
import runregistry
runs = runregistry.get_runs(filter={
'or': [328762, 323555, 323444]
Apply a custom filter (run_numbers between 309000 and 310000 which had at least one GOOD dt lumisection)
import runregistry
runs = runregistry.get_runs(
'run_number': {
{'>': 309000},
{'<': 310000}
'dt-dt': 'GOOD'
Do note that we use dt-dt
('dt' twice) this is due to the fact that there are multiple workspaces, the first 'dt' states we are in dt workspace, the second 'dt' states we want column 'dt'. So the syntax for status flags is {workspace}-{column}
. If we wanted runs with the strip column from tracker workspace to have at least 1 lumisection GOOD, the query would look like this:
import runregistry
runs = runregistry.get_runs(
'run_number': {
{'>': 309000},
{'<': 310000}
'tracker-strip': 'GOOD'
Depending on the attribute you can use different operators:
Attribute | Supported operators |
number | '=', '>', '<', '>=', '<=', '<>' |
String | =, like, notlike |
Boolean | = (true, false) |
date | '=', '>', '<', '>=', '<=', '<>' |
When using like
or notlike
operator, you must surround your query with percentage signs, see example below.
When filtering for triplet attributes (anything that is GOOD/BAD/STANDBY...) you must not use any String values, the only value allowed is strict equality '=' and is set by default. The values allowed are GOOD, BAD, STANDBY, NOTSET, EXCLUDED and EMPTY.
You can combine the filters as well:
import runregistry
runs = runregistry.get_runs(
'run_number': {
{'>': 309000},
{'<': 310000}
'hlt_key': {
'like': '%commissioning2018%'
'significant': {
'=': True
If by observing the Network Requests in RR web application, you want to use the same filters observed by the network request. Just passs ignore_filter_transformation=True
to any query.
Example (run_numbers between 309000 and 310000 which had at least one GOOD dt lumisection):
import runregistry
runs = runregistry.get_runs(
'run_number': {
{'>': 309000},
{'<': 310000}
# Remember! this will only work if you pass ignore_filter_transformation=True (please read above what this means), otherwise use the other examples
'oms_attributes.hlt_key': {
'like': '%commissioning2018%'
'triplet_summary.dt-dt.GOOD': {
'>': 0
Also, if by observing the Network Requests in RR web application, you want to obtain the data as it is seen in the network requests. Just compress_attributes=False
, for example:
import runregistry
runs = runregistry.get_runs(
'run_number': {
{'>': 309000},
{'<': 310000}
'dt': 'GOOD'
querying by comments and cause is not yet possible
import runregistry
dataset = runregistry.get_dataset(
import runregistry
datasets = runregistry.get_datasets(
'run_number': {
{'>': 309000},
{'<': 310000}
You can query the lumisections of a run (or dataset), you will need the run number and the dataset name (when querying for a run, the dataset name must be 'online')
import runregistry
# lumisections = runregistry.get_lumisections(run_number, dataset_name)
lumisections = runregistry.get_lumisections(327743, "/PromptReco/HICosmics18A/DQM")
The response will be an array of lumisections which will contain {workspace}-{column}: {"status":"Either GOOD/BAD/STANDBY...", "comment": "a comment made for the range", "cause":"a common repeated cause"}
To get OMS data: use the OMS API. You should only use Run Registry for data that RR is responsible for. However if you still want to access OMS lumisections, you can do so like this:
Previous Run Registry allowed you to change OMS (in that time WBM) attributes per dataset, if you need certain dataset lumisections you can provide the name of the RR dataset in the second argument:
import runregistry
# oms_lumisections = runregistry.get_oms_lumisections(run_number, dataset_name)
oms_lumisections = get_oms_lumisections(327743, 'online')
# If you want to get particular dataset that is not online for OMS lumisections:
dataset_oms_lumisections = get_oms_lumisections(327743, '/PromptReco/HICosmics18A/DQM')
Usually there will be runs/datasets which contain an enormous amount of lumisections (some even more than 5000), therefore it can be heavy on the API to query for these type of lumisections.
A query to retrieve ranges is also possible, you can do it like this:
import runregistry
# lumisections = runregistry.get_lumisection_ranges(run_number, dataset_name)
lumisections = runregistry.get_lumisection_ranges(327743, "/PromptReco/HICosmics18A/DQM")
You will receive an array of ranges, that apart from stating the triplets (comment, status and cause) for each column, the array will consist of two more attributes called start (lumisection where range starts) and end (lumisection where range ends).
When filtering runs, the attributes from the response get divided into those belonging to OMS and those belonging to RR (to see which belong to which, see the tables below, or go through a response).
Those that belong to OMS are inside "oms_attributes".
Those that belong to RR are inside "rr_attributes".
According to the type of attribute (number, string, boolean), see the Operator table above to see which types of operators can be applied to querying
Oms Attributes:
Attribute | Type | Belongs to |
run_number | number | OMS |
energy | number | OMS |
l1_key | string | OMS |
b_field | number | OMS |
hlt_key | string | OMS |
l1_menu | string | OMS |
l1_rate | number | OMS |
duration | number | OMS |
end_lumi | number | OMS |
end_time | date | OMS |
sequence | string | OMS |
init_lumi | number | OMS |
clock_type | string | OMS |
start_time | date | OMS |
fill_number | number | OMS |
l1_hlt_mode | string | OMS |
last_update | date | OMS |
ls_duration | number | OMS |
stable_beam | boolean | OMS |
trigger_mode | string | OMS |
cmssw_version | string | OMS |
recorded_lumi | number | OMS |
delivered_lumi | number | OMS |
tier0_transfer | boolean | OMS |
l1_key_stripped | string | OMS |
fill_type_party1 | string | OMS |
fill_type_party2 | string | OMS |
hlt_physics_rate | number | OMS |
hlt_physics_size | number | OMS |
fill_type_runtime | string | OMS |
hlt_physics_counter | number | OMS |
l1_triggers_counter | number | OMS |
l1_hlt_mode_stripped | string | OMS |
hlt_physics_throughput | number | OMS |
initial_prescale_index | number | OMS |
beams_present_and_stable | boolean | OMS |
es_included | boolean | OMS |
hf_included | boolean | OMS |
daq_included | boolean | OMS |
dcs_included | boolean | OMS |
dqm_included | boolean | OMS |
gem_included | boolean | OMS |
trg_included | boolean | OMS |
hcal_included | boolean | OMS |
tcds_included | boolean | OMS |
pixel_included | boolean | OMS |
tracker_included | boolean | OMS |
*_included (be sure to add it to the validation runregistry/attributes if it's not here) | boolean | OMS |
RR Run Attributes:
Attribute | Type | Belongs to |
class | string | RR |
state | string | RR |
significant | boolean | RR |
stop_reason | string | RR |
RR Dataset Attributes:
Attribute | Type | Belongs to |
dataset_name | string | RR |
dt_state | string | RR |
csc_state | string | RR |
hlt_state | string | RR |
l1t_state | string | RR |
rpc_state | string | RR |
tau_state | string | RR |
btag_state | string | RR |
ecal_state | string | RR |
hcal_state | string | RR |
lumi_state | string | RR |
muon_state | string | RR |
ctpps_state | string | RR |
castor_state | string | RR |
egamma_state | string | RR |
global_state | string | RR |
jetmet_state | string | RR |
tracker_state | string | RR |
The dt_state, csc_state and so on, are the workspace OFFLINE states of the datasets, they can be either OPEN, SIGNOFF or COMPLETED.
For Offline and Online status flags, filtering is also available. The Attribute is composed by {workspace}-{column}
. So for example if we want to query for GOOD tracker-strip datasets of runs between 309000 and 310000, we would do it like this:
import runregistry
datasets = runregistry.get_datasets(filter={
'run_number': {'and': [{'>': 309000}, {'<': 310000}]},
In order to generate JSONs (like the golden json) you must send the configuration of the attributes you wish the generated json to satisfy (in json-logic)
The json logic below generates a json file for the dataset name: "/PromptReco/Collisions2018A/DQM" although you can use placeholders just as in the json portal as: /PromptReco/Collisions2018(A|B)/DQM or /PromptReco/Collisions2018_/DQM the underscore '_' is a wildcard.
import runregistry
json_logic = {
"and": [
{ ">=": [{ "var": "run.oms.energy" }, 6000] },
{ "<=": [{ "var": "run.oms.energy" }, 7000] },
{ ">=": [{ "var": "run.oms.b_field" }, 3.7] },
{ "in": [ "25ns", { "var": "run.oms.injection_scheme" }] },
{ "==": [{ "in": [ "WMass", { "var": "run.oms.hlt_key" }] }, False] },
{ "==": [{ "var": "lumisection.rr.dt-dt" }, "GOOD"] },
{ "==": [{ "var": "lumisection.rr.csc-csc" }, "GOOD"] },
{ "==": [{ "var": "lumisection.rr.l1t-l1tmu" }, "GOOD"] },
{ "==": [{ "var": "lumisection.rr.l1t-l1tcalo" }, "GOOD"] },
{ "==": [{ "var": "lumisection.rr.hlt-hlt" }, "GOOD"] },
{ "==": [{ "var": "lumisection.oms.bpix_ready" }, True] }
generated_json = runregistry.create_json(json_logic=json_logic, dataset_name_filter="/PromptReco/Collisions2018A/DQM")
You can also manipulate runs via API:
- Mark run significant:
- Reset RR attributes and reload data from OMS:
- Move runs from one state to another:
runregistry.move_runs("OPEN", "SIGNOFF", run=362761)
If you have any questions, or the client is not working properly feel free to drop our team an email at [email protected].
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip build twine
python3 -m build
python3 -m twine upload --skip-existing --repository pypi dist/*
Instructions from here.
You will be needing a file named .env
with the following variables:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r testing-requirements.txt
pip install -e .
pytest tests -s
Automated GitHub actions run on each push to the repository. The workflow is defined here
The same env variables are needed as in local testing, so those are added here.
Our recommendation is to query Run Registry only for data that RR is responsible for.
*It's not that you can't, it's just that this puts extra burden on the application, making it slow for everyone.
No, almost every function call gets a new token. This is not ideal, and it may be improved in the future.