Releases: codefori/vscode-db2i
Releases · codefori/vscode-db2i
vscode-db2i 1.9.3
What's Changed
- Fix token reference check in getSqlContextItems function by @ajshedivy in #340
Full Changelog: 1.9.2...1.9.3
What's Changed
- Enhance type safety and error handling by @worksofliam in #338
- Fix for SQL syntax checker crash due to invalid statement by @worksofliam in #339
Full Changelog: 1.9.1...1.9.2
vscode-db2i 1.9.1
vscode-db2i 1.9.0
What's Changed
- Refactor and enhance Db2 for i context provider and SQL prompt, and support library list guidelines by @worksofliam in #335
Full Changelog: 1.8.4...1.9.0
vscode-db2i 1.8.4
What's Changed
- Add null check for selfCodes in getChildren method by @worksofliam in #330
- Refactor Db2i context providers and enhance SQL prompt guidelines by @ajshedivy in #334
Full Changelog: 1.8.3...1.8.4
vscode-db2i 1.8.3
What's Changed
- Fix linebreaks in generated SQL by @chrjorgensen in #326
- Refactor getChildren to use new signature API by @worksofliam in #327
Full Changelog: 1.8.2...1.8.3
vscode-db2i 1.8.2
What's Changed
- fix: check if SELF data is undefined by @ajshedivy in #323
Full Changelog: 1.8.1...1.8.2
vscode-db2i 1.8.1
What's Changed
- update context, use simple string list by @ajshedivy in #308
- Remove duplicates from library list by @janfh in #319
- list tables context provider by @ajshedivy in #305
- Right click option on SQL objects to view object locks by @janfh in #313
Full Changelog: 1.8.0...1.8.1
vscode-db2i 1.8.0
What's Changed
- Right click option on SQL objects to view authorities by @janfh in #312
- Reduce default chart size to 80% of available screen by @tom-writes-code in #310
- Left align table headers and data on exported data by @tom-writes-code in #311
- Prevent sql tokenizer from assuming FOR is a statementType when used with data-type by @janfh in #316
- Implement syntax checking features by @forstie, @julesyan and @worksofliam in #307
New Contributors
- @janfh made their first contribution in #312
- @tom-writes-code made their first contribution in #310
Full Changelog: 1.7.0...1.8.0