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Signed-off-by: worksofliam <[email protected]>
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worksofliam committed Jan 16, 2025
1 parent 6c3bad7 commit f724d3f
Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 208 deletions.
208 changes: 0 additions & 208 deletions src/testing/encoding.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
import assert from "assert";
import os from "os";
import { Uri, workspace } from "vscode";
import { TestSuite } from ".";
import IBMi from "../api/IBMi";
import { Tools } from "../api/Tools";
import { getMemberUri } from "../filesystems/qsys/QSysFs";
import { instance } from "../instantiate";
import { IBMiObject } from "../typings";
import path from "path";

const contents = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,41 +54,6 @@ export const EncodingSuite: TestSuite = {

tests: [
name: `Prove that input strings are messed up by CCSID`, test: async () => {
const connection = instance.getConnection();
let howManyTimesItMessedUpTheResult = 0;

for (const strCcsid in contents) {
const data = contents[strCcsid as keyof typeof contents].join(``);

// Note that it always works with the buffer!
const sqlA = `select ? as THEDATA from sysibm.sysdummy1`;
const resultA = await connection?.runSQL(sqlA, { fakeBindings: [data], forceSafe: true });

const sqlB = `select '${data}' as THEDATA from sysibm.sysdummy1`;
const resultB = await connection?.runSQL(sqlB, { forceSafe: true });

assert.strictEqual(resultA![0].THEDATA, data);
if (resultB![0].THEDATA !== data) {

name: `Compare Unicode to EBCDIC successfully`, test: async () => {
const connection = instance.getConnection();

const sql = `select table_name, table_owner from qsys2.systables where table_schema = ? and table_name = ?`;
const result = await connection?.runSQL(sql, { fakeBindings: [`QSYS2`, `SYSCOLUMNS`] });
name: `Files and directories with spaces`, test: async () => {
const connection = instance.getConnection()!;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,55 +92,6 @@ export const EncodingSuite: TestSuite = {
name: `Run variants through shells`, test: async () => {
const connection = instance.getConnection();

const text = `Hello${connection?.variantChars.local}world`;
const basicCommandA = `echo "${IBMi.escapeForShell(text)}"`;
const basicCommandB = `echo '${text}'`;
const basicCommandC = `echo 'abc'\\''123'`;
const printEscapeChar = `echo "\\\\"`;
const setCommand = `set`;

const setResult = await connection?.sendQsh({ command: setCommand });

const qshEscapeResult = await connection?.sendQsh({ command: printEscapeChar });
const paseEscapeResult = await connection?.sendCommand({ command: printEscapeChar });


const qshTextResultA = await connection?.sendQsh({ command: basicCommandA });
const paseTextResultA = await connection?.sendCommand({ command: basicCommandA });

const qshTextResultB = await connection?.sendQsh({ command: basicCommandB });
const paseTextResultB = await connection?.sendCommand({ command: basicCommandB });

const qshTextResultC = await connection?.sendQsh({ command: basicCommandC });
const paseTextResultC = await connection?.sendCommand({ command: basicCommandC });

assert.strictEqual(paseEscapeResult?.stdout, `\\`);
assert.strictEqual(qshTextResultA?.stdout, text);
assert.strictEqual(paseTextResultA?.stdout, text);
assert.strictEqual(qshTextResultB?.stdout, text);
assert.strictEqual(paseTextResultB?.stdout, text);
name: `streamfileResolve with dollar`, test: async () => {
const connection = instance.getConnection()!;

await connection.withTempDirectory(async tempDir => {
const tempFile = path.posix.join(tempDir, `$hello`);
await connection.content.createStreamFile(tempFile);

const resolved = await connection.content.streamfileResolve([tempFile], [`/`]);

assert.strictEqual(resolved, tempFile);
}, => ({
name: `Test streamfiles with shell character ${char}`, test: async () => {
const connection = instance.getConnection()!;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -256,128 +170,6 @@ export const EncodingSuite: TestSuite = {
name: "Listing objects with variants",
test: async () => {
const connection = instance.getConnection();
const content = instance.getConnection()?.content;
if (connection && content) {
const tempLib = connection.config?.tempLibrary!;
const ccsid = connection.getCcsid();

let library = `TESTLIB${connection.variantChars.local}`;
let skipLibrary = false;
const sourceFile = `${connection.variantChars.local}TESTFIL`;
const dataArea = `TSTDTA${connection.variantChars.local}`;
const members: string[] = [];

for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

await connection.runCommand({ command: `DLTLIB LIB(${library})`, noLibList: true });

const crtLib = await connection.runCommand({ command: `CRTLIB LIB(${library}) TYPE(*PROD)`, noLibList: true });
if (Tools.parseMessages(crtLib.stderr).findId("CPD0032")) {
//Not authorized: carry on, skip library name test
library = tempLib;
skipLibrary = true

let commands: string[] = [];

commands.push(`CRTSRCPF FILE(${library}/${sourceFile}) RCDLEN(112) CCSID(${ccsid})`);
for (const member of members) {
commands.push(`ADDPFM FILE(${library}/${sourceFile}) MBR(${member}) SRCTYPE(TXT) TEXT('Test ${member}')`);

commands.push(`CRTDTAARA DTAARA(${library}/${dataArea}) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(50) VALUE('hi')`);

// runCommandsWithCCSID proves that using variant characters in runCommand works!
const result = await runCommandsWithCCSID(connection, commands, ccsid);
assert.strictEqual(result.code, 0);

if (!skipLibrary) {
const [expectedLibrary] = await content.getLibraries({ library });

const validated = await connection.content.validateLibraryList([tempLib, library]);
assert.strictEqual(validated.length, 0);

const libl = await content.getLibraryList([library]);
assert.strictEqual(libl.length, 1);
assert.strictEqual(libl[0].name, library);

const checkFile = (expectedObject: IBMiObject) => {
assert.ok(expectedObject.sourceFile, `${} not a source file`);
assert.strictEqual(, sourceFile);
assert.strictEqual(expectedObject.library, library);

const nameFilter = await content.getObjectList({ library, types: ["*ALL"], object: `${connection.variantChars.local[0]}*` });
assert.strictEqual(nameFilter.length, 1);
assert.ok(nameFilter.some(obj => obj.library === library && obj.type === `*FILE` && === sourceFile));

const objectList = await content.getObjectList({ library, types: ["*ALL"] });
assert.ok(objectList.some(obj => obj.library === library && obj.type === `*FILE` && === sourceFile && obj.sourceFile === true));
assert.ok(objectList.some(obj => obj.library === library && obj.type === `*DTAARA` && === dataArea));

const expectedMembers = await content.getMemberList({ library, sourceFile });
assert.ok(expectedMembers.every(member => members.find(m => m === && member.text?.includes(m))));

const sourceFilter = await content.getObjectList({ library, types: ["*SRCPF"], object: `${connection.variantChars.local[0]}*` });
assert.strictEqual(sourceFilter.length, 1);
assert.ok(sourceFilter.some(obj => obj.library === library && obj.type === `*FILE` && === sourceFile));

const [expectDataArea] = await content.getObjectList({ library, object: dataArea, types: ["*DTAARA"] });
assert.strictEqual(, dataArea);
assert.strictEqual(expectDataArea.library, library);
assert.strictEqual(expectDataArea.type, `*DTAARA`);

const [expectedSourceFile] = await content.getObjectList({ library, object: sourceFile, types: ["*SRCPF"] });

name: `Library list supports dollar sign variant`, test: async () => {
const connection = instance.getConnection()!;
const library = `TEST${connection.variantChars.local}LIB`;
const sourceFile = `TEST${connection.variantChars.local}FIL`;
const member = `TEST${connection.variantChars.local}MBR`;
const ccsid = connection.getCcsid();

if (library.includes(`$`)) {
await connection.runCommand({ command: `DLTLIB LIB(${library})`, noLibList: true });

const crtLib = await connection.runCommand({ command: `CRTLIB LIB(${library}) TYPE(*PROD)`, noLibList: true });
if (Tools.parseMessages(crtLib.stderr).findId("CPD0032")) {

const createSourceFileCommand = await connection.runCommand({ command: `CRTSRCPF FILE(${library}/${sourceFile}) RCDLEN(112) CCSID(${ccsid})`, noLibList: true });
assert.strictEqual(createSourceFileCommand.code, 0);

const addPf = await connection.runCommand({ command: `ADDPFM FILE(${library}/${sourceFile}) MBR(${member}) SRCTYPE(TXT)`, noLibList: true });
assert.strictEqual(addPf.code, 0);

await connection.content.uploadMemberContent(undefined, library, sourceFile, member, [`**free`, `dsply 'Hello world';`, `return;`].join(`\n`));

// Ensure program compiles with dollar sign in current library
const compileResultA = await connection.runCommand({ command: `CRTBNDRPG PGM(${library}/${member}) SRCFILE(${library}/${sourceFile}) SRCMBR(${member})`, env: {'&CURLIB': library} });
assert.strictEqual(compileResultA.code, 0);

// Ensure program compiles with dollar sign in current library
const compileResultB = await connection.runCommand({ command: `CRTBNDRPG PGM(${library}/${member}) SRCFILE(${library}/${sourceFile}) SRCMBR(${member})`, env: {'&LIBL': library} });
assert.strictEqual(compileResultB.code, 0);
name: `Variant character in source names and commands`, test: async () => {
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