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Patrick mee problem interview

luke crouch edited this page Nov 3, 2013 · 1 revision

Problem Interview w/ Patrick Mee, Inadco

Job Title: VP Engineering

Company: Inadco

Company size: 30;

In-house developers: 15 group: multiple groups - 3

In-house open-source devs: all of them

Open-source projects used: “oh f***, I actually did this audit; ~30” Eclipse, plugins, hadoop, java, jasper, cloudera

Budget for open-source: none so far; considering jasper for ~20k

How do you decide to buy open-source software? same as any software; #1 team fit, #2 cost; go with open-source not just for cost but because it’s open

Do you use open-source on projects with tight, frequent deadlines? yeah for sure (see below)

Problem ranking:

Other problems:

developers fixing bugs themselves; we really try to work around it as opposed to fix them because of the time; then maintaining fork and push upstream

quick feedback

I have engineers; any engineer should be good enough or smart enough to fix the issue or understand the issue. I’d hire for time-to-market; how long would it take? while they’re working on that they’re not working on what I pay them to work on. I'd pay $10k for a bug fix I knew would land next week vs. $1k for a bug that will get fixed within the next month

How often do you hit a bug like this? I haven’t really quantified it. That’s a better question for developers; by the time it gets to me, they’ve probably done everything they can and they’ve done a workaround. If it gets to me it’s a big show-stopper.

developers will adopt first and escalate to enterprise projects

time between me submitting a bounty and someone accepting it? your market needs to be strong enough to attract buyers like me