Welcome to Codex documentation.
Codex is a decentralised data storage platform that provides exceptionally strong censorship resistance and durability guarantees.
For documentation we use VitePress, which is Vue-powered static site generator built on top of Vite.
To run site locally, we should clone repository, install dependencies and run the following command
npm run docs:dev
Detailed guide
Using nvm
# nvm curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.40.0/install.sh | bash # Node 22 nvm install 22 nvm use 22 # Check node --version v22.6.0
Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/codex-storage/codex-docs cd codex-docs
Install dependencies
npm install
Start a local dev server with instant hot updates
# Local npm run docs:dev # Expose npm run docs:dev -- --host
npm run docs:build # .vitepress/dist
Please check VitePress documentation for more details about customizations.
- Create a fork
- Create a custom branch in your fork
- Add your contribution
- Make a PR to the upstream repository
Project structure
- All information to learn about Codexnetworks
- Codex networks related informationdevelopers
- Codex development process and guides
We are using built-in i18n features for Internationalization support.
In order to add a new language version of the docs it is required
Create a folder with a name of the two letter language code -
for Korean, please check List of ISO 639 language codes. -
Copy and translate required pages. It make sense to use English pages as a source as it is the primary language. Pages are located inside the repository sub-folders
- codex
- developers
- learn
- networks
After translation, we will have a new folder with all sub-folders
ko ├── codex ├── developers ├── learn └── networks
If you need to translate images, they are located inside a public folder. After translation, add a language suffix to the language specific file, for example public/learn/architecture-
.png.Then, update the docs to use a language specific image.
Add new language to the site config file - .vitepress/config.mts
// Korean ko: { label: '한국어', lang: 'ko-KP', link: '/ko', themeConfig: {} }
- Native language name from List of ISO 639 language codeslang
- <Language code>-<Country code>link
- link to the index document located in the language specific folderthemeConfig
- contains translation of the site elements like Nav/Side bar, etc.
After performed changes, we should have a documentation site in a newly added language.