VotingTrees is a set of routines for implementing
At this moment there are MySQL stored procedures and some PHP stuff.
It’s UNCOMPLETE, UNTESTED, UNMANTAINED and EXPERIMENTAL. BUGS ahead. Use at your own risk. (or maybe just get inspired by)
In src folder you can:
cat *.sql | mysql [DB_name] [...]
$votingtrees=new VTvotingTrees($mysqli);
# four users are taking care about "the issue"
$votingtrees->addUserIssueByName(1,"the issue",TRUE);
$votingtrees->addUserIssueByName(2,"the issue",TRUE);
$votingtrees->addUserIssueByName(3,"the issue",TRUE);
$votingtrees->addUserIssueByName(4,"the issue",TRUE);
# some are delegating their "vote" to other users
$issue=$votingtrees->getIssueByName("the issue");
# the "tree" should look like this
# 3_
# | \
# 2 4
# |
# 1
# check VTdelegate table or $patharray after calling