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API method changes in EnsemblDb3

Gavin Huttley edited this page Oct 17, 2019 · 1 revision
changeset old_name new_name summary file
10:c591d53fd46c GeneralRelease general_release getTableRowCount and GeneralRelease ensembldb/
10:c591d53fd46c getTablesRowCount get_tables_row_count getTableRowCount and GeneralRelease ensembldb/
11:76f8563831f3 makeLocation make_location makeLocation to make_location ensembldb/
12:4e00cd29da9f getGeneByStableId get_gene_by_stableid get_gene_by_stableid to get_gene_by_stableid ensembldb/
13:46319243f1e5 getGenesMatching get_genes_matching getGenesMatching to get_genes_matching ensembldb/
14:f989bef505a1 getTranscriptByStableId get_transcript_by_stableid getTranscriptByStableId to get_transcript_by_stableid ensembldb/
15:8c9210c48215 getEstMatching get_est_matching getEstMatching to get_est_matching ensembldb/
16:1d8e15195cd1 getFeatures get_features getFeatures to get_features many files..
18:3d69efa97f94 getVariation get_variation getVariation to get_variation ensembldb/
19:ec24eabfd8b2 getRegion get_region getRegion to get_region ensembldb/
21:271079f2aa75 featureData feature_data fixed compara test ensembldb/
22:779385a2b321 getEnsemblDbPrefix get_ensembl_db_prefix multiple changes across the code base for pep8 compliance ensembldb/
22:779385a2b321 PhaseEnd phase_end multiple changes across the code base for pep8 compliance ensembldb/
22:779385a2b321 getSpeciesNames get_species_names multiple changes across the code base for pep8 compliance ensembldb/
22:779385a2b321 PhaseStart phase_start multiple changes across the code base for pep8 compliance ensembldb/
22:779385a2b321 getLongestCdsTranscript get_longest_cds_transcript multiple changes across the code base for pep8 compliance ensembldb/
22:779385a2b321 getMember get_member multiple changes across the code base for pep8 compliance ensembldb/
22:779385a2b321 getSpeciesName get_species_name multiple changes across the code base for pep8 compliance ensembldb/
22:779385a2b321 getCdsLengths get_cds_lengths multiple changes across the code base for pep8 compliance ensembldb/
22:779385a2b321 subFeatureData sub_feature_data multiple changes across the code base for pep8 compliance ensembldb/
22:779385a2b321 getCommonName get_common_name multiple changes across the code base for pep8 compliance ensembldb/
22:779385a2b321 amendSpecies amend_species multiple changes across the code base for pep8 compliance ensembldb/
22:779385a2b321 getAnnotatedSeq get_annotated_seq multiple changes across the code base for pep8 compliance ensembldb/
22:779385a2b321 getMaxCdsLengths get_max_cds_lengths multiple changes across the code base for pep8 compliance ensembldb/
22:779385a2b321 getAnnotatedAligned get_annotated_aligned multiple changes across the code base for pep8 compliance ensembldb/
22:779385a2b321 getComparaName get_compara_name multiple changes across the code base for pep8 compliance ensembldb/
22:779385a2b321 getCdsLength get_cds_length multiple changes across the code base for pep8 compliance ensembldb/
22:779385a2b321 getSpeciesSet get_species_set multiple changes across the code base for pep8 compliance ensembldb/
22:779385a2b321 makeRelativeTo make_relative_to multiple changes across the code base for pep8 compliance ensembldb/
22:779385a2b321 getSeqCollection get_seq_collection multiple changes across the code base for pep8 compliance ensembldb/
5:c1fd4946eefe getRelatedGenes get_related_genes getRelatedGenes to get_related_genes ensembldb/
6:761b5f3200ec getSyntenicRegions get_syntenic_regions getSyntenicRegions to get_syntenic_regions ensembldb/
7:d5ce1f1e97e8 getDistinct get_distinct getDistinct to get_distinct many files..
8:232aad3b5795 getTable get_table getTable to get_table ensembldb/
9:4bbf6a0837ce tableHasColumn table_has_column tableHasColumn to table_has_column ensembldb/
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