This theme is created based on hugo-coder.
Please see FeaturesOfCoderPortfolio in the post about the change. Have questions or suggestions? Feel free to open an issue on GitHub or ask me on Twitter.
A simple and clean blog theme for Hugo.
To use hugo-coder-portfolio
go through the following steps.
Clone this repository into your Hugo project.
git clone themes/coder-portfolio
Add the following lines to your config.toml
baseurl = "" # Hostname (and path) to the root.
title = "Yusuke Ishimi" # Site title.
theme = "coder-portfolio" # Set the theme.
languagecode = "en" # The site’s language code used to generate RSS.
defaultcontentlanguage = "en" # The default content language.
paginate = 20 # Default number of pages per page in pagination.
pygmentsstyle = "b2" # Color-theme or style for syntax highlighting.
pygmentscodefences = true # Enable code fence background highlighting.
pygmentscodefencesguesssyntax = true # Enable syntax guessing for code fences without specified language.
pygmentsUseClasses = true # new add
disqusShortname = "yourdiscussshortname" # Enable or disable Disqus.
[params] # theme parameters
author = "Yusuke Ishimi" # Author's name.
info = "WEB AND APPS ENGINEER" # Author's job title or info.
description = "Yusuke Ishimi's personal website" # Site description.
keywords = "blog,developer,personal" # Site keywords.
avatarurl = "images/avatar.jpg" # Contain the path of the optionnal avatar in the static folder.
footercontent = "Enter a text here." # Add footer content
fixedbarContent = "Do you want to know me more private?→" # Add fixedbar content
fixedbarContentAfter = "Thank You! Please share it if you like it→" # Add fixedbar content after click
# Whether you want to hide copyright and credits in the footer.
hideCredits = false
hideCopyright = false
# Custom CSS
custom_css = []
# Alignment of Mobile Menu items
itemscentered = true
# RTL support
rtl = false
# Bottom sns share
snsShare = true # new add
# Popular sns share
# if you want add sns. please message!
enableTwitterShare = true # new add
enableFacebookShare = true # new add
enableHatenaShare = true # new add
enableLineShare = true # new add
enableLinkedInShare = true # new add
thumbnail = "images/tn.png" # default sns thumbnail
# Multilanguage mode
langseparator = "|" # Separates menus from language selectors when site is multilingual.
# Social links
name = "Github"
icon = "fab fa-github"
weight = 1
url = ""
name = "Twitter"
icon = "fab fa-twitter"
weight = 2
url = ""
name = "LinkedIn"
icon = "fab fa-linkedin"
weight = 3
url = ""
# If icon is not set, Text is displayed.
name = "LinkedIn"
weight = 4
url = ""
# Menu links
name = "Blog"
weight = 1
url = "posts"
name = "About"
weight = 2
url = "about"
You can look at full working config.toml
inside the exampleSite folder.
To use multilingual mode, the configuration above needs to be extended by parameters for the specific languages.
Each language
section overrides default site's parameters when that language is chosen.
langseparator = "|" # separates menus from language selectors.
languagename = "English" # The language name to be displayed in the selector.
title = "Yusuke Ishimi"
# You can configure the theme parameter for each language.
author = "Yusuke Ishimi"
description = "Yusuke Ishimi's personal website"
keywords = "blog,developer,personal"
[] # It is possible to change the menu too.
name = "About"
weight = 1.0
url = "about"
name = "Blog"
weight = 2.0
url = "posts"
languagename = "Japanese"
title = "石見 優丞"
author = "石見 優丞"
description = "石見 優丞のサイト"
keywords = "blog,developer, ブログ, エンジニア"
info = "WEBとアプリのエンジニア"
name = "石見とは"
weight = 1.0
url = "ja/about"
name = "ブログ"
weight = 2.0
url = "ja/posts"
It is possible to force Hugo to render all default language content under the language code with defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true
In this case, remember to update your menus URLs (i.e. /en/about/
It is necessary to have less
and uglifycss
installed to build and run the demo.
Assuming that already have NodeJS/NPM installed, run npm install -g less uglifycss
To update or generate the minified CSS file:
make build
To build your site and test, run:
hugo server
To preview the exampleSite, run
make demo
The above command copies current state of the theme to exampleSite/themes and starts hugo with hugo serve -D (Go does not support Symlink directories)
Add the following line to your config, disqusShortname = "yourdiscussshortname"
When this is set, all posts are disqus enabled
You can disable comments for a post by adding the following to your page meta data: disable_comments: true
Coder is licensed under the MIT license.
- All contributors, for every PR and Issue reported.