Provides a base template for Packer and Ansible based AMI builds. The template Packer code is designed for Packer >= 1.8 and Ansible >= 2.10
All Ansible configuration resides in the ./ansible
directory. The Ansible configuration will be called during the provisioning step of the Packer build as defined in ./packer/build.pkr.hcl
This template provides the basic code layout and structure only.
For convenience development scripts have been supplied and are as follows:
Script | Description |
inventory_aws_ec2.yml | Defines a dynamic inventory for Ansible by way of the aws_ec2 plugin |
print-inventory | Prints the inventory hosts for debugging purposes |
run-ansible | Runs the playbook against the configured hosts. Note: This requires Ansible be installed on the host system |
variables.json | A means of specifying additional variables. Note: These values should never be committed and as such this file has been added to .gitignore |
All Packer configuration resides in the ./packer
directory and utilises standard Packer configuration syntax.
The template provides the following variables to control the Packer build and provisioning process.
Variable | Type | Default | Description |
ami_account_ids | string | - | A list of account IDs that have access to launch the resulting AMI(s). |
ami_name_prefix | string | - | Prefix used for the name tags of resulting AMIs. The version will be appended to this. |
aws_instance_type | string | t3.small | AWS EC2 instance type used when building the AMI. |
aws_region | string | eu-west-2 | The region in which the AMI will be built. |
aws_source_ami_filter_name | string | amzn2-base-* | Source AMI filter string as per the DescribeImages API documentation. If multiple match, the latest image will be used. |
aws_source_ami_owner_id | string | - | The source AMI owner ID. Used in combination with aws_source_ami_filter_name to match the source AMI. |
aws_subnet_filter_name | string | - | Subnet filter string as per the DescribeSubnets API documentation. If multiple match, the subnet with the greatest number of IPv4 addresses will be used. |
configuration_group | string | unnamed | The name of the group to which to add the instance for configuration purposes |
data_volume_iops | number | 3000 | The baseline IOPS for the data EBS volume; 3000 is the gp3 default |
data_volume_size_gib | number | - | The EC2 instance data volume size in Gibibytes (GiB) |
data_volume_throughput | number | 125 | The throughput, in MiB/s, for the data EBS volume; 125 is the gp3 default |
force_delete_snapshot | bool | false | Automatically delete snapshots associated with AMIs deregistered by force_deregister . |
force_deregister | bool | false | Deregister an existing AMI if one with the same name exists. |
kms_key_id | string | alias/packer-builders-kms | The KMS key ID or alias to use when encrypting the AMI EBS volumes; defaults to the AWS managed key if empty |
playbook_file_path | string | ../ansible/playbook.yml | Relative path to the Ansible playbook file. |
root_volume_iops | number | 3000 | The baseline IOPS for the root EBS volume; 3000 is the gp3 default |
root_volume_size_gb | number | 20 | The EC2 instance root volume size in Gibibytes (GiB). |
root_volume_throughput | number | 125 | The throughput, in MiB/s, for the root EBS volume; 125 is the gp3 default |
ssh_clear_authorized_keys | bool | true | Defines whether the authorized_keys file should be cleared, post-build |
ssh_private_key_file | string | /home/packer/.ssh/packer-builder | The path to the common Packer builder private SSH key. |
ssh_username | string | centos | The username Packer will use when connecting with SSH. |
version | string | - | Semantic version number for the AMI. Will be automatically appended to ami_name_prefix to tag the resulting AMI and snapshots. |