This module receives a request to send a letter or an email via a REST interface and passes that request on to a Kafka 3 queue.
The design for this module and the service it is a part of is here :
This Microservice has the following dependencies:
to run a check for dependency security vulnerabilities run the following command:
mvn dependency-check:check
The remainder of this section lists the endpoints that are available in this microservice, and provides links to detailed documentation about these endpoints e.g. required headers, path variables, query params, request bodies, and their behaviour.
Method | Path | Description | Documentation |
POST | /letter | This endpoint can be used to send a letter. | LLD - Kafka3 Notification API |
POST | This endpoint can be used to send an email. | LLD - Kafka3 Notification API | |
GET | | this endpoint is used to check that the service is running |