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A Docker configuration for Perl-based CI builds suitable for building both CHS services and dependency packages (i.e. prepackaged .zip files) for those services.

Build Tools

The following list details the build tools required by all CHS Perl-based services which will be installed in the container image:

  • Perl 5.18.2 (compiled from source with the -Dusethreads flag)
  • GNU libc 2.12
  • plenv 2.2.0
  • Perl::Build 1.13
  • GoPAN 0.12


The following list details the distribution-managed packages installed in the container image and the reason for their inclusion:

Name Purpose
yum-plugin-ovl Required to allow the distribution package manager yum to function correctly with the Docker OverlayFS storage driver
libaio Required dependency of Oracle Instant Client
tar, unzip Required for handling .zip and .tar.gz files during project builds
curl Required for installing NVM
expat-devel, @Development tools Required when building Perl services in the resulting image
openssl, openssl-devel, ca-certificates, nss SSL libraries used by multiple tools in the image; CA certificate updates are required to support the latest SSL certificates used by some of the domains accessed during the image build
sclo-git25 via Software Collections (SCL) Repository Used to install a more recent version of Git than available via yum; required by NVM install script to ensure Git supports latest CA certificates for SSL enabled domains (i.e. GitHub)

In addition to the distribution-managed packages detailed above, the following tools are also installed:

Name Version Purpose
AWS CLI 2.0.0dev2 Used to retrieve non distribution-managed packages from the S3 resources bucket under our control
Oracle Instant Client Required dependency of the DBD::Oracle Perl module used by chs-backend; comprises three .rpm files:
- oracle-instantclient11.2-basic-
- oracle-instantclient11.2-sqlplus-
- oracle-instantclient11.2-devel-
Node Version Manager (NVM) v0.33.11 Required to install Node.js (see below)
Node.js v10.17.0 Requirement of service build
Grunt v1.2.0 Requirement of service build