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This is a web frontend for the PSC Verification Statements. It was created based on Typescript Web Starter for Companies House.

Frontend technologies and utils

Other CHS services

Installing and running


  1. node v20 (engines block in package.json is used to enforce this)
  2. npm v10 (engines block in package.json is used to enforce this)

Having cloned the project into your project root, run the following commands:

cd psc-verification-web

npm install

make clean build which will add the git submodule api-enumerations

SSL Set-up

  • If you wish to work with ssl-enabled endpoints locally, ensure you turn the NODE_SSL_ENABLED property to ON in the config and also provide paths to your private key and certificate.

  • In a typical production environment, this might never be required as the Node app usually sits behind a load balancer with SSL termination.

Running the Tests

To run the tests, type the following command:

npm test

To get a summarised test coverage report, run:

npm run coverage

For a detailed test coverage report, run one of the following commands:

npm run coverage:report


npm run test:coverage

For these tests, we've used Mocha with Sinon and Chai.

Running the App

To start the application, run:

npm start

or, to watch for changes with auto restart in your dev environment, run:

npm run start:watch

...and navigate to http://localhost:3000/ (or whatever hostname/port number combination you've changed the config values to)

For SSL connections, navigate to https://localhost:3443


System properties for the psc-verification-web. These are normally configured per environment.

Variable Description
API_URL API base URL for service interaction
APP_NAME Name of the application
CACHE_SERVER Name of the cache
CDN_URL_JS CDN URL for the JavaScript
CH_NODE_UTILS_LOG_LVL Enable the logging within ch-node-utils for localisation
CHS_API_KEY API key for CHS service
CONTACT_US_LINK Link to contact us
COOKIE_DOMAIN Domain for cookies
COOKIE_NAME Name for the cookie
COOKIE_SECRET Used for cookie encryption
DEFAULT_SESSION_EXPIRATION session expiration time
DSR_EMAIL_ADDRESS Email address for the DSR team
DSR_PHONE_NUMBER Phone number for the DSR team
GET_PSC01_LINK Link to obtaining paper form PSC01
GET_RP01_LINK Link to obtaining paper form RP01
IDV_IMPLEMENTATION_DATE Date when IDV comes into effect for PSCs
LOCALES_ENABLED Feature flag that toggles localisation behaviour
LOCALES_PATH The name of the directory where the locales files are stored
LOG_LEVEL Logging Level
NODE_HOSTNAME Host name the server is hosted on
NODE_HOSTNAME_SECURE Hostname for the secure HTTPS server
NODE_PORT_SSL Port for the HTTPS server
NODE_SSL_CERTIFICATE Path to the SSL certificate file
NODE_SSL_ENABLED Flag to enable SSL for the server
NODE_SSL_PRIVATE_KEY Path to the SSL private key file
NUNJUCKS_LOADER_NO_CACHE Flag to control the caching of templates in the Nunjucks loader
NUNJUCKS_LOADER_WATCH Flag to enable or disable watching for file changes in the Nunjucks loader
PIWIK_SERVICE_NAME Service name used by Matomo scripts
PIWIK_SITE_ID Matomo Site Id represents the environment
PIWIK_START_GOAL_ID Goal Id for the start button used by matomo
PIWIK_URL Link to the matomo dashboard
POLICIES_LINK Link to policies
PORT Port to run the web server on
POST_TO_CH_LINK Link to guidance on submission by post
SERVICE_LIVE Prevent use of service until Implementation
VERIFY_IDENTITY_LINK Path to guidance to Verify Identity