Currently, these ps1 are not signed.
So, it needs change Excecution Policy to RemoteSigned
Or, execute batfile\change-policy-vc2015.bat
or batfile\change-policy-vc2017.bat
with system administrator privileges.
---( downloaded by get-mroonga.ps1/get-mroonga-nightly.ps1
-- (batfiles) # downloaded by `get-mroonga-batfiles.ps1`.
-- *.ps1
$workDir = [specify workdir]
$mariadbVer = [specify mariaDB version]
$mroongaVer = [specify Mroonga version]
$useNightly = ($null|$true)
$skipDownloadRequest = ($null|$true)
$mroongaSourceBaseURI = $null # for customizing source download URI
$mroongaSourceNightlyBaseURI = $null # for customizing nightly source download URI
To install moderate version of cmake for Mroonga building under Windows environment.
Currently, this ps1 installs cmake-3.10.3
powershell> .\install-cmake-3.10.ps1
powershell> .\build-vc2015.ps1
powershell> .\build-vc2017.ps1
powershell> .\get-mroonga.ps1 # or get-mroonga-nightly.ps1
powershell> .\unzip.ps1
powerShell> .\get-mroonga-batfiles.ps1
powershell> .\prepare-building-mroonga.ps1
powershell> cd <mroonga build working dir>
powershell> <building Mroonga...>
powershell> .\package-unzip.ps1
powershell> .\install-mroonga.ps1
powershell> .\create-mrnzip.ps1
If you are interested in building prior Mroonga releases, please checkout prior releases' git tags as follows:
PS> git tag
PS> git checkout <prior release tag>
$applyPatch = $TRUE
and then, put into patches
directory, patches are applied automatically with GNU patch.
- System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.dll
It is contained from .NET Framework 4.5.
See in more detail: MSDN
- GNU patch (optional)
- 'ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061 "Unknown error")' error message sometimes occurs.