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Commit df75c8c
This PR contains the following updates:
| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | Type |
Update | Pending |
| [@babel/standalone](https://babel.dev/docs/en/next/babel-standalone)
| [`7.26.7` ->
| dependencies | patch | `7.26.9` |
| [@nx/vite](https://nx.dev)
| [`20.4.0` ->
`20.4.2`](https://renovatebot.com/diffs/npm/@nx%2fvite/20.4.0/20.4.2) |
| devDependencies | patch | `20.4.5` (+2) |
| [@nx/web](https://nx.dev)
([source](https://redirect.github.com/nrwl/nx/tree/HEAD/packages/web)) |
[`20.4.0` ->
`20.4.2`](https://renovatebot.com/diffs/npm/@nx%2fweb/20.4.0/20.4.2) |
| devDependencies | patch | `20.4.5` (+2) |
| [@salesforce-ux/design-system](https://lightningdesignsystem.com)
([source](https://redirect.github.com/salesforce-ux/design-system)) |
[`2.26.1` ->
| dependencies | patch | |
| [actions/cache](https://redirect.github.com/actions/cache) | `1bd1e32`
-> `0c907a7` | | | | | action | digest | |
| `67e27a7` -> `0d56448` | | | | | action | digest | |
| [esbuild](https://redirect.github.com/evanw/esbuild) | [`0.24.2` ->
`0.25.0`](https://renovatebot.com/diffs/npm/esbuild/0.24.2/0.25.0) |
| devDependencies | minor | |
| [`3.1.1` ->
| dependencies | patch | |
| [node](https://nodejs.org)
([source](https://redirect.github.com/nodejs/node)) | `22.13.1` ->
`22.14.0` |
| | minor | |
| [nx](https://nx.dev)
([source](https://redirect.github.com/nrwl/nx/tree/HEAD/packages/nx)) |
[`20.4.0` ->
`20.4.2`](https://renovatebot.com/diffs/npm/nx/20.4.0/20.4.2) |
| devDependencies | patch | `20.4.5` (+2) |
| [octokit](https://redirect.github.com/octokit/octokit.js) | [`4.1.0`
-> `4.1.1`](https://renovatebot.com/diffs/npm/octokit/4.1.0/4.1.1) |
| dependencies | patch | `4.1.2` |
| [postcss](https://postcss.org/)
([source](https://redirect.github.com/postcss/postcss)) | [`8.5.1` ->
`8.5.2`](https://renovatebot.com/diffs/npm/postcss/8.5.1/8.5.2) |
| devDependencies | patch | `8.5.3` |
| [prettier](https://prettier.io)
([source](https://redirect.github.com/prettier/prettier)) | [`3.4.2` ->
`3.5.0`](https://renovatebot.com/diffs/npm/prettier/3.4.2/3.5.0) |
| devDependencies | minor | `3.5.1` |
| prettier-plugin-apex | [`2.2.3` ->
| devDependencies | patch | |
| [publint](https://publint.dev)
| [`0.3.2` ->
`0.3.5`](https://renovatebot.com/diffs/npm/publint/0.3.2/0.3.5) |
| devDependencies | patch | |
([source](https://redirect.github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer)) | [`24.1.1`
-> `24.2.0`](https://renovatebot.com/diffs/npm/puppeteer/24.1.1/24.2.0)
| devDependencies | minor | `24.2.1` |
| [zone.js](https://redirect.github.com/angular/angular)
| [`0.14.10` ->
`0.15.0`](https://renovatebot.com/diffs/npm/zone.js/0.14.10/0.15.0) |
| dependencies | minor | |
[skip release]
<summary>babel/babel (@​babel/standalone)</summary>
- `babel-preset-env`
- [#​17097](https://redirect.github.com/babel/babel/pull/17097)
Update dependency babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3 to ^0.11.0
<summary>nrwl/nx (@​nx/vite)</summary>
- **core:** update CNW defaults so they generate a useful workspace by
- **nx-dev:** add quote component for enterprise articles
- **nx-dev:** add metrics and related blogs section
- **nx-dev:** webinar page
- **nextjs:** enhance support for custom server with SWC configuration
- **nx-dev:** Update customers carousel subtitle
- **nx-dev:** error on course detail page on mobile
- Isaac Mann
- Jack Hsu [@​jaysoo](https://redirect.github.com/jaysoo)
- Juri [@​juristr](https://redirect.github.com/juristr)
- Nicholas Cunningham
- **core:** lock graph creation when running in another process
- **core:** add `prefixColor` property to `@nx:run-commands`
- **core:** add sync generators option to target defaults in nx-schema
- **core:** show link to migrate detail page in --interactive mode
- **nx-dev:** refactor and improve style of video-player
- **nx-dev:** add ability to add labels to video-player
- **nx-dev:** allow callout component to be expanded by default
- **nx-dev:** add epic nx release course
- **nx-dev:** show alt text as label below markdown images
- **nx-dev:** conformance rule for blog post description
- **nx-dev:** allow link-card components to take an image URL
- **rspack:** improve plugin createNodes performance
- **angular:** fix path issues on windows for storybook generators and
unit tests
- **bundling:** rspack should allow ES config module imports
- **core:** allow for non-js libs to be moved without errors or the
creation of any unneeded tsconfig files
- **core:** reduce number of processed files when creating in-memory
- **core:** exponential retry on cache put fail
- **core:** allow postTaskExecution hook without preTaskExecution hook
- **core:** improve resolution of packages in package manager workspaces
when constructing the project graph
- **core:** do not write filemap cache when there are errors
- **core:** do not use revokable proxy
- **gradle:** fix dependencies.txt not found
- **gradle:** fix max buffer for gradle stdout
- **js:** ensure js library creation respects skipFormat
- **js:** do not infer `tsc` tasks with verbose output by default
- **js:** set --ws=false when running npm config for jest e2e
- **js:** generate pacakge.json for non-buildable nest and expo libs
- **linter:** add files entry to react flat configs to avoid applying TS
rules to JSON files
- **linter:** add `cjs`, `cts`, `mjs`, and `mts` to the default
extensions for the inference plugin
- **linter:** produce type information for the eslint-plugin main entry
point ([#​29855](https://redirect.github.com/nrwl/nx/pull/29855))
- **misc:** set `hidden: true` for all init generators
- **misc:** generate config with output contained within project root
- **module-federation:** depend on a range of versions of webpack to
prevent peer dep issues
- **module-federation:** tuple remotes should have global identifier
added if missing
- **nx-dev:** make toc sticky
- **nx-dev:** typo in ts pkg management article
- **nx-dev:** update blog metadata to include the post descriptions
- **repo:** don't try to fetch master if already on master
- **rspack:** handle configs with default exports
- **testing:** infer correct file output paths for atomized targets
- **testing:** fix passing extra args to Jest cli
- **testing:** move webpack and vite to optional peer dep
- **vite:** fall back to file matching when resolved file does not exist
in `nx-vite-ts-paths` plugin
- Amr Salama
- Anthony Boyd
- Anthony Shew
- Ashley Hunter
- Colum Ferry [@​Coly010](https://redirect.github.com/Coly010)
- Craigory Coppola
- Emily Xiong [@​xiongemi](https://redirect.github.com/xiongemi)
- Esteban
- Ethan Koenig
- Isaac Mann
- Jack Hsu [@​jaysoo](https://redirect.github.com/jaysoo)
- Jason Jean
- Juri [@​juristr](https://redirect.github.com/juristr)
- Juri Strumpflohner
- Kerick Howlett
- Leosvel Pérez Espinosa
- Mararok [@​Mararok](https://redirect.github.com/Mararok)
- MaxKless [@​MaxKless](https://redirect.github.com/MaxKless)
- Mike Pham
- Miroslav Jonaš
- Neil [@​nc1z](https://redirect.github.com/nc1z)
- Nicolas Beaussart
- robertIsaac
- Stefan Haas
<summary>evanw/esbuild (esbuild)</summary>
**This release deliberately contains backwards-incompatible changes.**
To avoid automatically picking up releases like this, you should either
be pinning the exact version of `esbuild` in your `package.json` file
(recommended) or be using a version range syntax that only accepts patch
upgrades such as `^0.24.0` or `~0.24.0`. See npm's documentation about
[semver](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v6/using-npm/semver/) for more
- Restrict access to esbuild's development server
This change addresses esbuild's first security vulnerability report.
Previously esbuild set the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header to `*`
to allow esbuild's development server to be flexible in how it's used
for development. However, this allows the websites you visit to make
HTTP requests to esbuild's local development server, which gives
read-only access to your source code if the website were to fetch your
source code's specific URL. You can read more information in [the
Starting with this release,
[CORS](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS) will now
be disabled, and requests will now be denied if the host does not match
the one provided to `--serve=`. The default host is ``, which
refers to all of the IP addresses that represent the local machine (e.g.
both `` and ``). If you want to customize anything
about esbuild's development server, you can [put a proxy in front of
esbuild](https://esbuild.github.io/api/#serve-proxy) and modify the
incoming and/or outgoing requests.
In addition, the `serve()` API call has been changed to return an array
of `hosts` instead of a single `host` string. This makes it possible to
determine all of the hosts that esbuild's development server will
Thanks to [@​sapphi-red](https://redirect.github.com/sapphi-red)
for reporting this issue.
- Delete output files when a build fails in watch mode
It has been requested for esbuild to delete files when a build fails in
watch mode. Previously esbuild left the old files in place, which could
cause people to not immediately realize that the most recent build
failed. With this release, esbuild will now delete all output files if a
rebuild fails. Fixing the build error and triggering another rebuild
will restore all output files again.
- Fix correctness issues with the CSS nesting transform
This release fixes the following problems:
- Naive expansion of CSS nesting can result in an exponential blow-up of
generated CSS if each nesting level has multiple selectors. Previously
esbuild sometimes collapsed individual nesting levels using `:is()` to
limit expansion. However, this collapsing wasn't correct in some cases,
so it has been removed to fix correctness issues.
/* Original code */
.parent {
> .a,
> .b1 > .b2 {
color: red;
/* Old output (with --supported:nesting=false) */
.parent > :is(.a, .b1 > .b2) {
color: red;
/* New output (with --supported:nesting=false) */
.parent > .a,
.parent > .b1 > .b2 {
color: red;
Thanks to [@​tim-we](https://redirect.github.com/tim-we) for
working on a fix.
- The `&` CSS nesting selector can be repeated multiple times to
increase CSS specificity. Previously esbuild ignored this possibility
and incorrectly considered `&&` to have the same specificity as `&`.
With this release, this should now work correctly:
/* Original code (color should be red) */
div {
&& { color: red }
& { color: blue }
/* Old output (with --supported:nesting=false) */
div {
color: red;
div {
color: blue;
/* New output (with --supported:nesting=false) */
div:is(div) {
color: red;
div {
color: blue;
Thanks to [@​CPunisher](https://redirect.github.com/CPunisher) for
working on a fix.
- Previously transforming nested CSS incorrectly removed leading
combinators from within pseudoclass selectors such as `:where()`. This
edge case has been fixed and how has test coverage.
/* Original code */
a b:has(> span) {
a & {
color: green;
/* Old output (with --supported:nesting=false) */
a :is(a b:has(span)) {
color: green;
/* New output (with --supported:nesting=false) */
a :is(a b:has(> span)) {
color: green;
This fix was contributed by
- The CSS minifier contains logic to remove the `&` selector when it can
be implied, which happens when there is only one and it's the leading
token. However, this logic was incorrectly also applied to selector
lists inside of pseudo-class selectors such as `:where()`. With this
release, the minifier will now avoid applying this logic in this edge
/* Original code */
.a {
& .b { color: red }
:where(& .b) { color: blue }
/* Old output (with --minify) */
/* New output (with --minify) */
.a{.b{color:red}:where(& .b){color:#​00f}}
- Fix some correctness issues with source maps
Previously esbuild incorrectly treated source map path references as
file paths instead of as URLs. With this release, esbuild will now treat
source map path references as URLs. This fixes the following problems
with source maps:
- File names in `sourceMappingURL` that contained a space previously did
not encode the space as `%20`, which resulted in JavaScript tools
(including esbuild) failing to read that path back in when consuming the
generated output file. This should now be fixed.
- Absolute URLs in `sourceMappingURL` that use the `file://` scheme
previously attempted to read from a folder called `file:`. These URLs
should now be recognized and parsed correctly.
- Entries in the `sources` array in the source map are now treated as
URLs instead of file paths. The correct behavior for this is much more
clear now that source maps has a [formal
specification](https://tc39.es/ecma426/). Many thanks to those who
worked on the specification.
- Fix incorrect package for `@esbuild/netbsd-arm64`
Due to a copy+paste typo, the binary published to
`@esbuild/netbsd-arm64` was not actually for `arm64`, and didn't run in
that environment. This release should fix running esbuild in that
environment (NetBSD on 64-bit ARM). Sorry about the mistake.
- Fix a minification bug with bitwise operators and bigints
This change removes an incorrect assumption in esbuild that all bitwise
operators result in a numeric integer. That assumption was correct up
until the introduction of bigints in ES2020, but is no longer correct
because almost all bitwise operators now operate on both numbers and
bigints. Here's an example of the incorrect minification:
// Original code
if ((a & b) !== 0) found = true
// Old output (with --minify)
// New output (with --minify)
- Fix esbuild incorrectly rejecting valid TypeScript edge case
The following TypeScript code is valid:
export function open(async?: boolean): void {
console.log(async as boolean)
Before this version, esbuild would fail to parse this with a syntax
error as it expected the token sequence `async as ...` to be the start
of an async arrow function expression `async as => ...`. This edge case
should be parsed correctly by esbuild starting with this release.
- Transform BigInt values into constructor calls when unsupported
Previously esbuild would refuse to compile the BigInt literals (such as
`123n`) if they are unsupported in the configured target environment
(such as with `--target=es6`). The rationale was that they cannot be
polyfilled effectively because they change the behavior of JavaScript's
arithmetic operators and JavaScript doesn't have operator overloading.
However, this prevents using esbuild with certain libraries that would
otherwise work if BigInt literals were ignored, such as with old
versions of the [`buffer`
library](https://redirect.github.com/feross/buffer) before the library
fixed support for running in environments without BigInt support. So
with this release, esbuild will now turn BigInt literals into BigInt
constructor calls (so `123n` becomes `BigInt(123)`) and generate a
warning in this case. You can turn off the warning with
`--log-override:bigint=silent` or restore the warning to an error with
`--log-override:bigint=error` if needed.
- Change how `console` API dropping works
Previously the `--drop:console` feature replaced all method calls off of
the `console` global with `undefined` regardless of how long the
property access chain was (so it applied to `console.log()` and
`console.log.call(console)` and `console.log.not.a.method()`). However,
it was pointed out that this breaks uses of `console.log.bind(console)`.
That's also incompatible with Terser's implementation of the feature,
which is where this feature originally came from (it does support
`bind`). So with this release, using this feature with esbuild will now
only replace one level of method call (unless extended by `call` or
`apply`) and will replace the method being called with an empty function
in complex cases:
// Original code
const x = console.log('x')
const y = console.log.call(console, 'y')
const z = console.log.bind(console)('z')
// Old output (with --drop-console)
const x = void 0;
const y = void 0;
const z = (void 0)("z");
// New output (with --drop-console)
const x = void 0;
const y = void 0;
const z = (() => {
This should more closely match Terser's existing behavior.
- Allow BigInt literals as `define` values
With this release, you can now use BigInt literals as define values,
such as with `--define:FOO=123n`. Previously trying to do this resulted
in a syntax error.
- Fix a bug with resolve extensions in `node_modules`
The `--resolve-extensions=` option lets you specify the order in which
to try resolving implicit file extensions. For complicated reasons,
esbuild reorders TypeScript file extensions after JavaScript ones inside
of `node_modules` so that JavaScript source code is always preferred to
TypeScript source code inside of dependencies. However, this reordering
had a bug that could accidentally change the relative order of
TypeScript file extensions if one of them was a prefix of the other.
That bug has been fixed in this release. You can see the issue for
- Better minification of statically-determined `switch` cases
With this release, esbuild will now try to trim unused code within
`switch` statements when the test expression and `case` expressions are
primitive literals. This can arise when the test expression is an
identifier that is substituted for a primitive literal at compile time.
For example:
// Original code
switch (MODE) {
case 'dev':
case 'prod':
throw new Error
// Old output (with --minify '--define:MODE="prod"')
new Error}
// New output (with --minify '--define:MODE="prod"')
- Emit `/* @​__KEY__ */` for string literals derived from property
Property name mangling is an advanced feature that shortens certain
property names for better minification (I say "advanced feature" because
it's very easy to break your code with it). Sometimes you need to store
a property name in a string, such as `obj.get('foo')` instead of
`obj.foo`. JavaScript minifiers such as esbuild and
[Terser](https://terser.org/) have a convention where a `/*
@​__KEY__ */` comment before the string makes it behave like a
property name. So `obj.get(/* @​__KEY__ */ 'foo')` allows the
contents of the string `'foo'` to be shortened.
However, esbuild sometimes itself generates string literals containing
property names when transforming code, such as when lowering class
fields to ES6 or when transforming TypeScript decorators. Previously
esbuild didn't generate its own `/* @​__KEY__ */` comments in this
case, which means that minifying your code by running esbuild again on
its own output wouldn't work correctly (this does not affect people that
both minify and transform their code in a single step).
With this release, esbuild will now generate `/* @​__KEY__ */`
comments for property names in generated string literals. To avoid lots
of unnecessary output for people that don't use this advanced feature,
the generated comments will only be present when the feature is active.
If you want to generate the comments but not actually mangle any
property names, you can use a flag that has no effect such as
`--reserve-props=.`, which tells esbuild to not mangle any property
names (but still activates this feature).
- The `text` loader now strips the UTF-8 BOM if present
Some software (such as Notepad on Windows) can create text files that
start with the three bytes `0xEF 0xBB 0xBF`, which is referred to as the
"byte order mark". This prefix is intended to be removed before using
the text. Previously esbuild's `text` loader included this byte sequence
in the string, which turns into a prefix of `\uFEFF` in a JavaScript
string when decoded from UTF-8. With this release, esbuild's `text`
loader will now remove these bytes when they occur at the start of the
- Omit legal comment output files when empty
Previously configuring esbuild with `--legal-comment=external` or
`--legal-comment=linked` would always generate a `.LEGAL.txt` output
file even if it was empty. Starting with this release, esbuild will now
only do this if the file will be non-empty. This should result in a more
organized output directory in some cases.
- Update Go from 1.23.1 to 1.23.5
This should have no effect on existing code as this version change does
not change Go's operating system support. It may remove certain reports
from vulnerability scanners that detect which version of the Go compiler
esbuild uses.
This PR was contributed by
- Allow passing a port of 0 to the development server
Unix sockets interpret a port of 0 to mean "pick a random unused port in
the [ephemeral port](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ephemeral_port)
range". However, esbuild's default behavior when the port is not
specified is to pick the first unused port starting from 8000 and
upward. This is more convenient because port 8000 is typically free, so
you can for example restart the development server and reload your app
in the browser without needing to change the port in the URL. Since
esbuild is written in Go (which does not have optional fields like
JavaScript), not specifying the port in Go means it defaults to 0, so
previously passing a port of 0 to esbuild caused port 8000 to be picked.
Starting with this release, passing a port of 0 to esbuild when using
the CLI or the JS API will now pass port 0 to the OS, which will pick a
random ephemeral port. To make this possible, the `Port` option in the
Go API has been changed from `uint16` to `int` (to allow for additional
sentinel values) and passing a port of -1 in Go now picks a random port.
Both the CLI and JS APIs now remap an explicitly-provided port of 0 into
-1 for the internal Go API.
Another option would have been to change `Port` in Go from `uint16` to
`*uint16` (Go's closest equivalent of `number | undefined`). However,
that would make the common case of providing an explicit port in Go very
awkward as Go doesn't support taking the address of integer constants.
This tradeoff isn't worth it as picking a random ephemeral port is a
rare use case. So the CLI and JS APIs should now match standard Unix
behavior when the port is 0, but you need to use -1 instead with Go API.
- Minification now avoids inlining constants with direct `eval`
Direct `eval` can be used to introduce a new variable like this:
const variable = false
;(function () {
eval("var variable = true")
Previously esbuild inlined `variable` here (which became `false`), which
changed the behavior of the code. This inlining is now avoided, but
please keep in mind that direct `eval` breaks many assumptions that
JavaScript tools hold about normal code (especially when bundling) and I
do not recommend using it. There are usually better alternatives that
have a more localized impact on your code. You can read more about this
here: https://esbuild.github.io/link/direct-eval/
<summary>coveooss/exponential-backoff (exponential-backoff)</summary>
<summary>nodejs/node (node)</summary>
2025-02-11, Version 22.14.0 'Jod' (LTS), @​aduh95
- **crypto**: update root certificates to NSS 3.107 (Node.js GitHub Bot)
- **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **fs**: allow `exclude` option in globs to accept
glob patterns (Daeyeon Jeong)
- **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **lib**: add typescript support to STDIN eval
(Marco Ippolito)
(Marco Ippolito)
- **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **module**: add `findPackageJSON` util (Jacob
- **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **process**: add process.ref() and process.unref()
methods (James M Snell)
- **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **sqlite**: support TypedArray and DataView in
`StatementSync` (Alex Yang)
- **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src**: add --disable-sigusr1 to prevent signal
i/o thread (Rafael Gonzaga)
- **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **src,worker**: add isInternalWorker (Carlos Espa)
- **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: add
TestContext.prototype.waitFor() (Colin Ihrig)
- **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: add t.assert.fileSnapshot() (Colin
- **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **test_runner**: add assert.register() API (Colin
- **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **worker**: add eval ts input (Marco Ippolito)
- **assert**: make myers_diff function more performant (Giovanni Bucci)
- **assert**: make partialDeepStrictEqual work with urls and File
prototypes (Giovanni Bucci)
- **assert**: show diff when doing partial comparisons (Giovanni Bucci)
- **assert**: make partialDeepStrictEqual throw when comparing \[0] with
\[-0] (Giovanni)
- **benchmark**: add validateStream to styleText bench (Rafael Gonzaga)
- **build**: fix GN build for ngtcp2 (Cheng)
- **build**: test macos-13 on GitHub actions (Michaël Zasso)
- **build**: build v8 with -fvisibility=hidden on macOS (Joyee Cheung)
- **child_process**: fix parsing messages with splitted length field
(Maksim Gorkov)
- **crypto**: add missing return value check (Michael Dawson)
- **crypto**: update root certificates to NSS 3.107 (Node.js GitHub Bot)
- **crypto**: fix checkPrime crash with large buffers (Santiago Gimeno)
- **crypto**: fix warning of ignoring return value (Cheng)
- **crypto**: make generatePrime/checkPrime interruptible (James M
- **deps**: update corepack to 0.31.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot)
- **deps**: move inspector_protocol to deps (Chengzhong Wu)
- **deps**: macro ENODATA is deprecated in libc++ (Cheng)
- **deps**: fixup some minor coverity warnings (James M Snell)
- **deps**: update amaro to 0.3.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot)
- **deps**: update amaro to 0.2.2 (Node.js GitHub Bot)
- **deps**: update simdutf to 6.0.3 (Node.js GitHub Bot)
- **deps**: update simdutf to 5.7.2 (Node.js GitHub Bot)
- **deps**: update amaro to 0.2.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot)
- **deps**: update googletest to
(Node.js GitHub Bot)
- **deps**: update googletest to
(Node.js GitHub Bot)
- **deps**: update ngtcp2 to 1.10.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot)
- **deps**: update simdutf to 5.7.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot)
- **diagnostics_channel**: capture console messages (Stephen Belanger)
- **doc**: update macOS and Xcode versions for releases (Michaël Zasso)
- **doc**: add note for features using `InternalWorker` with permission
model (Antoine du Hamel)
- **doc**: add entry to changelog about SQLite Session Extension (Bart
- **doc**: move anatoli to emeritus (Michael Dawson)
- **doc**: fix styles of the expandable TOC (Antoine du Hamel)
- **doc**: add "Skip to content" button (Antoine du Hamel)
- **doc**: improve accessibility of expandable lists (Antoine du Hamel)
- **doc**: add note regarding commit message trailers (Dario Piotrowicz)
- **doc**: fix typo in example code for util.styleText (Robin Mehner)
- **doc**: fix inconsistencies in `WeakSet` and `WeakMap` comparison
details (Shreyans Pathak)
- **doc**: add RafaelGSS as latest sec release stewards (Rafael Gonzaga)
- **doc**: clarify cjs/esm diff in `queueMicrotask()` vs
`process.nextTick()` (Dario Piotrowicz)
- **doc**: `WeakSet` and `WeakMap` comparison details (Shreyans Pathak)
- **doc**: mention prepare --security (Rafael Gonzaga)
- **doc**: tweak info on reposts in ambassador program (Michael Dawson)
- **doc**: add type stripping to ambassadors program (Marco Ippolito)
- **doc**: improve internal documentation on built-in snapshot (Joyee
- **doc**: document CLI way to open the nodejs/bluesky PR (Antoine du
- **doc**: add section about using npx with permission model (Rafael
- **doc**: update gcc-version for ubuntu-lts (Kunal Kumar)
- **doc**: fix parentheses in options (Tobias Nießen)
- **doc**: include CVE to EOL lines as sec release process (Rafael
- **doc**: add esm examples to node:trace_events (Alfredo González)
- **doc**: add message for Ambassadors to promote (Michael Dawson)
- **doc**: allow request for TSC reviews via the GitHub UI (Antoine du
- **doc**: add example for piping ReadableStream (Gabriel Schulhof)
- **doc**: expand description of `parseArg`'s `default` (Kevin Gibbons)
- **doc**: use `<ul>` instead of `<ol>` in `SECURITY.md` (Antoine du
- **doc**: clarify that WASM is trusted (Matteo Collina)
- **doc**: fix the `crc32` documentation (Kevin Toshihiro Uehara)
- **doc**: fix links in `module.md` (Antoine du Hamel)
- **doc**: fix typos (Nathan Baulch)
- \[[`e69d35f03b`](http
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America/Toronto, Automerge - "after 9:00am and before 12:00pm on
tuesday, wednesday, thursday" in timezone America/Toronto.
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are satisfied.
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help](https://redirect.github.com/renovatebot/renovate/discussions) if
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- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
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This PR has been generated by [Renovate
Co-authored-by: renovate-coveo[bot] <115253437+renovate-coveo[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Alex Prudhomme <[email protected]>
1 parent 827a1de commit df75c8cCopy full SHA for df75c8c
File tree
20 files changed
lines changed- .github
- actions
- build
- e2e-quantic-cypress
- e2e-quantic-playwright
- e2e-quantic-setup
- setup
- workflows
- packages
- atomic
- src
- themes
- utils
- headless
- headless-react
- quantic
- samples
- headless-commerce-react/src
- iife
- utils/release
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lines changed.github/actions/build/action.yml
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1 |
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0 commit comments