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ES6 + SystemJS + JSPM + Gulp + Babel + AngularJS + Sass + Travis CI + Heroku.


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angular-es6-demo (Live demo)

An experimental project in using ES6, SystemJS, JSPM, Gulp, Babel, AngularJS 1.x, Sass, Travis CI and Heroku.

GitHub issues David Travis Heroku GitHub license

Screenshot Two


  • This is a npm package originally designed for testing how to craft a complete webapp project from scratch(npm init & jspm init & gulp init) to the final production by employing modern practices and technologies.
  • This package could be used to explore:
    • new features of ECMAScript 6.
    • how to use JSPM/SystemJS to maintain your project.
    • how to construct Gulp tasks with ES6.
    • how to code with AngularJS 1.x in using ES6.
    • a good practice of Sass.
    • how to build a bundle via jspm bundle.
    • how to use Travis CI.
    • how to automatically test and deploy a Node.js production to Heroku.


  • No more bower
  • No more RequireJS(replaced by ES6 modules)
  • AngularJS 1.x embraces ES6.
  • Easy to install & run(npm start)
  • Maintain dependencies by jspm
  • Watch and reload the webpage in real-time via gulp and browser-sync
  • Bootstrap the webpage via systemjs
  • CSS3 Flexbox layout
  • Build production via jspm
  • Continuous integration via Travis CI
  • Badges by

Get started

1. Develop and build production

  • Clone the project
  • npm start
    • For development use.
    • A new '.tmp' folder will be generated.
    • Your default browser will automatically load the webpage which will be refreshed each time when you have anything to change in 'app' folder.
    • Report will be shown in your console if anything goes wrong.
  • gulp build
    • For production use.
    • A new 'dist' folder will be generated.
    • All the required .js will be compiled and minified to one single file called 'app.min.js'(in dist/public folder).
    • All the required .scss will be compiled and minified to one single file called 'app.min.css'(in dist/public folder).
    • The original index.html will be rewritten in order to remove useless codes and load new resources(in dist/public folder).
    • In order to easily deploy the production to Heroku by using Node.js to serve the generated static files, I additionally create two extra files in the dist folder(server.js and package.json).
    • If you want to check the production, simply run cd dist/public and python -m SimpleHTTPServer, then visit 'http://localhost:8000'. Or the easiest way to do in this case(static webpage), is to double-click the index.html file located in dist/public folder.

2. How to depoly your production to Heroku?

Automatically deploy

As we are using Travis CI for automated test, build and deployment, you are able to do it same way.

  • Install Heroku Toolbelt.
  • Install travis RubyGem on your computer: gem install travis.
  • Fork this repository and clone.
  • Check the .travis.yml file of your repository, you will find:
  provider: heroku
  skip_cleanup: true
    secure: [encrypted version of your heroku api key]
  app: angular-es6
    repo: crabcanon/angular-es6-demo
  • Login to your Heroku account: heroku login.
  • Create a new Heroku app: heroku create.
  • Change the app name to whatever you want on Heroku.
  • Add an encrypted version of your heroku api key to your .travis.yml file: travis encrypt $(heroku auth:token) --add deploy.api_key.
  • Replace the app name in .travis.yml to your heroku app name.
  • Replace the repo name to your github repo name.
  • Or you could directly use the command travis setup heroku to achieve above tasks.
  • The your .travis.yml will look like:
  provider: heroku
  skip_cleanup: true
    secure: [encrypted version of your heroku api key]
  app: your-heroku-app-name
    repo: your-github-account/your-github-repo
Manually deploy
$ heroku login
$ cd dist
$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "first commit"
$ heroku create
$ git remote -v
$ heroku git:remote -a your-remote.git
$ git push heroku master


1. Why to use ES6?

  • AngularJS 2 fully supports TypeScript and works equally well with ES6.
  • React fully supports ES6.
  • The sugar syntax and new features make things easier and more clear. It's time to embrace!

2. Why not to use bower?

  • Some amazing libs don't support bower anymore, for example Mapbox.
  • Bower is effectively not developed anymore.
  • It's a good practice to let npm handle everything somehow. No need to add one more layer.
  • It requires more configurations in Gulpfile to run the app if using bower.

3. Why to use jspm?

  • JSPM is based on the standard of ES2015 modules and System loader API. Currently, Loader API is the API of browsers and hasn't been able to be parts of ES2015(we only have a proposal from WHATWG for now). But once it becomes a standard specification, with the integration of HTTP/2, we are able to write ES2015 modules without building.
  • But of course, it seems like JSPM is heavier(45k after compile) and not powerful enough compared to Webpack in current phase.

4. Why to use Travis CI?

5. I choose to be a web developer.

TODO List(solid requirements)

  • Title: “Build test”.
  • Paragraph: “This page was built from dynamic content at time”, where time is the time at build time.
  • Button name: 'Click me'.
  • The title, paragraph and button text should not be black, but should be the same colour.
  • The background of the button should also be the same colour, but 25% lighter.
  • A popup modal will be shown if click the button.
  • Counter counting up from 0 (at least show the seconds changing).
  • Close and reopen the modal.
  • Content’s font-size should be dependant on the screen size.
  • Use a build tool (npm/grunt/gulp) to compose your built product.
  • Use SASS (scss).
  • Show understanding of variables and functions (lighter colour).
  • Show understanding of mixins (CSS media queries).
  • Push the code to Github as a public open source project.
  • Add a README to the Github repo containing information about building and running your code.
  • A “watcher” task that watches for code changes and builds again.
  • Neatness and documentation.
  • Modern practices and technologies.

TODO List(further requirements)


MIT License  ·  GitHub @crabcanon  ·  Gmail @sysuhuangye


ES6 + SystemJS + JSPM + Gulp + Babel + AngularJS + Sass + Travis CI + Heroku.








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