🤖 A simple open source app written in Java used for stress testing Minecraft servers with bots (fake players).
💥 It can be also used to test plugins or minigames.
✔️ The MC version of the bots is 1.21.4
For older MC versions please look in the releases.
- ✅ Connect as many bots as you want
- ✅ Use SOCKS4 or SOCKS5 proxies from file or URL
- ✅ Receive colored or noncolored chat
- ✅ Set connection delay
- ✅ Set messages or commands on join
- ✅ Generate random or real looking nicknames or load from file
- ✅ Online (premium) account support with login using Microsoft
- ✅ Control all or selected bots
Minimal Java version: 17
Use of pre-compiled jar from releases:
java -jar mc-bots.jar -s <server address> [arguments]
When running, you can write a chat message to the terminal to send it by all bots.
java -jar mc-bots-1.2.14.jar -s -p BOT_ -d 4000 5000 -c 30 -r
This will connect 30 bots to server at with delay 4000-5000 ms and will use real-looking nicknames prefixed with BOT_
-c <count>
The count of bots to connect, default is 1
-d <min> <max>
Set the minimum and maximum connection delay range in ms, default is 4000-5000
-j <message>
Messages or commands to send on join, separated by &&
, does not work with -m
or -x
-p <prefix>
Custom bot nickname prefix eg. BOT_
Generate real looking nicknames instead of random ones
Do not use color in terminal - useful when the terminal does not support it
Minimal run - do not use any listeners, will not receive chat, useful for large amounts of bots
The most minimal run - No listeners, no control, no chat - useful for large amounts of bots for better performance
-t <type>
Set proxy type - SOCKS4 or SOCKS5
-l <path>
Set proxy list file
Try to simulate gravity by falling down
Use online (premium) account (login with Microsoft OAuth)
-ar <delay>
Set auto-respawn delay (default is 100 ms, set to -1 to disable)
--nicks <file>
Set nicknames file
Commands can be typed to the console. They are prefixed with .
or !
Without the prefix it will be sent as a chat message!
or .ls
- list all connected bots
.control <nick>
or .ctrl <nick>
- select one or multiple bots to control
.exit <limit>
or .leave <limit>
- disconnect all or specified number of bots
This app is made for educational and testing purposes only.
This app can be used like spambots.
I am not responsible for any abuse.