#Your search over!
- Do you need a fast and seriously cryptography?
- Do you think that MD6 is too old (and poor) and want something like the finalists of the CHAC (Cryptographic Hash Algorithm Competition) of NIST for SHA3?
- Do you use the NodeJS, knows that there is good libraries out there, but what you really want is something cutting edge?
So relax, because your dream was realized! :)
Meet InsaneHash (soon in the "npm install -g" closer to you).
The lastest SHA3 cryptographic hash algorithm from NIST Hash Competition based on Chris Drost implementation writed in Javascript and for NodeJS
- BLAKE, by Aumasson, Henzen, Meier, and Phan
- BLAKE-32 is supported in blake32.js and blake32.min.js
- BMW (Blue Midnight Wish), by Gligoroski, Klima, Knapskog, El-Hadedy, Amundsen, and Mjølsnes
- BMW256 is supported in bmw.js and bmw.min.js
- CubeHash, by Dan Bernstein.
- CubeHash16/64-256 is supported in cubehash.js and cubehash.min.js
- Keccak, by Bertoni, Daemen, Peeters, and van Assche
- The 64-bit SHA3-256 candidate Keccak[1088, 512, 32] is supported in keccak.js and keccak.min.js as a "standards-compliant" version.
- Shabal, by Bresson, Canteaut, Chevalier-Mames, Clavier, Fuhr, Gouget, Icart, Misarsky, Plasencia, Paillier, Pornin, Reinhard, Thuillet, and Videau
- Shabal-256 is supported in shabal.js and shabal.min.js.
- Skein, by Bellare, Callas, Ferguson, Kohno, Lucks, Schneier, Walker, and Whiting
- Skein-512-512 is supported in skein.js and skein.min.js for standards-compliance.
- A 32-bit Skein-256-256 (non-compliant) version is supported in halfskein.js and halfskein.min.js as a shorter algorithm.
##How to use insanehash? Ridiculously, creepily very simple!
The easiest way:
- Download it.
- Put the file at the root of you application.
- Require it as
var insane = require('./insanehash').insanehash;
= namespace ;) - Call this. You will get a string with the hash.
-> 'ceb42cb8ab21fe511b85ecd74933b9f4aafa4d1c67da0778b69e375245942314'insanehash.shabal('Hi!');
-> '0427065214b9a8ea2d79c73a1a2d02ea3f9c4f71d4c73a30ad2c0bc8b1c172d9'insanehash.bmw('Hi!');
-> '44fe7f399277b09b8e892a80522b833703abacd5fc7f71da6db96999ca4bdb06'insanehash.skein('Hi!');
-> '6dbe952ab5ec3bf45a82887953953e3220e1eab7ae9069ae548ac8561691378993210ca0cb0666656614ef858fca9893a9bb6fe149dca792c910d6518aecdd30'insanehash.cubehash('Hi!');
-> 'a206bffa3c77a6410270f061e6b264fd79d1a997c06d444ee1bba42cff2b66d3'insanehash.halfskein('Hi!');
-> '39edf053bf6be95f1af2476f83fbf9b71fa0e3188361def18c879a9f09370f8a'insanehash.keccak('Hi!');
-> '22dd5d47d9cb35a05e3022a7bac1a39547da7b303aba89cbe9205046d1f0762c'
The workaround way: (it will be different soon, i promisse!)
- Download it.
- Put the file in a insanehash directory (create one) at the node_modules folder.
- Put
var insane = require('insanehash').insanehash;