Releases: cschuchardt88/neo-modules
Releases · cschuchardt88/neo-modules
Adding to the RestServer's existing API.
This Dummy Plugin example adds routes to existing controller routes/paths. Nothing new here! Neo.Plugins.RestServer will automatically add controller classes to the Rest Server API.
RestClient Source Code
RestClient Binary Download - .Net Standard 2.1
Also you will see server: neo-cli/3.5.0 RestServer/3.5.0
in the header response to let you know this is the right server and good for spotting different versions of the application.
Key Features
- Override Error Handling (for cleaner errors as json responses, will not crash clients or give unexpected error responses)
- Compression
- CORS Origins
- Basic Authentication
- Disable Controllers (from other plugins)
- Proxy Forwards (for data center usage)
- Wallet Sessions
- Json Converter (for having parameter types like UInt160, UInt256, StackItem, etc)
- Implements Contracts, Ledger, Node, Token, Wallet and Utils full functionality
- Plugin Support (easy process with no dependencies to this library)
- Cleaner Plugin Code (for new plugins)
- Parameter Type Binding
- Swagger UI
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.JsonPatch.dll (Required)
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson.dll (Required)
- Microsoft.OpenApi.dll (for swagger to work)
- Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger.dll (for swagger to work)
- Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen.dll (for swagger to work)
- Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI.dll (for swagger to work)
- Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Newtonsoft.dll (for swagger to work)
- RestServer.xml _(for swagger UI to show description or the endpoints)
- $(AssemblyPlugin).xml (for swagger UI to show descriptions of that plugin's endpoints)
Change Log
- Ledger Controller API (Interaction Ability)
- Contracts Controller API (Interaction Ability)
- Neo/Gas Controller API (Display Accounts)
- Node Controller API (Block Height, Peers and Other Information)
- Token Controller API (Nep17/Nep11 Interaction)
- Wallet Controller API (Open, Close, Transactions, etc)
- Utils Controller API (Conversion Tools & Helpers)
- Expandability (Rest Routes)
- Enable Https
- Response Compression (GZip)
- Basic Authentication
- The ability to disable controller routes
- Any HTTP Method
- Any Route
- Custom HTTP Headers
- Rest Client (No Dependencies Required) Get It Here
- Wallet Sessions
- Multi-thread
- Swagger
Rest API
Neo-Cli Commands
You can just add Swagger OpenAPI 2.0 to any project by
Config File Description
Name | Type | Description |
Network | uint32 | The network you would like the rest server to be enabled on. |
BindAddress | string | The Ip address of the interface you want to bind too. |
Port | uint32 | Port number to bind too. |
KeepAliveTimeout | uint32 | The time to keep the request alive. |
SslCertFile | string | is the path and file name of a certificate file, relative to the directory that contains the node's executable files. |
SslCertPassword | string | is the password required to access the X.509 certificate data. |
TrustedAuthorities | StringArray | Tumbprints of the of the last certificate authority in the chain. |
EnableBasicAuthentication | boolean | enables basic authentication. |
RestUser | string | Basic authentication's username. |
RestPass | string | Basic authentication's password. |
EnableCors | boolean | Enables Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS). Note by default it enables any origin. |
AllowOrigins | StringArray | A list of the origins to allow. Note needs to add origins for basic auth to work with CORS. |
DisableControllers | StringArray | A list of controllers to be disabled. Requires restart of the node, if changed. |
EnableCompression | boolean | Enables response GZip data compression. |
CompressionLevel | enum | Type of compression level. Values can be "Fastest" or "Optimal" or "NoCompression" or "SmallestSize" |
EnableForwardedHeaders | boolean | Enables response/request headers for proxy forwarding. |
EnableSwagger | boolean | Enables Swagger with Swagger UI for the rest services. |
MaxPageSize | uint32 | Max page size for searches on Ledger/Contract routes. |
MaxConcurrentConnections | long64 | Max allow concurrent HTTP connections. |
MaxTransactionFee | long64 | Max transaction fee for wallet transfers. |
MaxInvokeGas | long64 | Max gas to be invoked on the VM. |
WalletTimeout | int32 | When wallet session expires. Note in minutes. |