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ctasca edited this page May 1, 2014 · 1 revision

The following configutation sections are available:

  1. Host Settings
  2. Authentication Settings
  3. Suggestions Settings
  4. Search Settings
  5. Mapping
  6. Index Settings
  7. Developer Settings

Host Settings

  • Host - The primary Elasticsearch host
  • Port - The primary Elasticsearch host port number
  • Additional Hosts - Comma separated Elasticsearch Additional Hosts. Can be IP + Port, Just IP, Domain + Port, Just Domain Examples:,,,

Authentication Settings

  • Enable Authentication - Enables authentication when connecting to elasticsearch server/servers. For this to work Elasticsearch needs to be configured to support authentication. If used in production, it is advisable to set up a reverse proxy to secure elasticsearch cluster.

  • Auth Plugin - The auth plugin to perform authentications. Currently only Jetty plugin is supported.

Jetty Plugin specific options

  • User
  • Password
  • Authentication Type - The auth type to use. Accepts four different options: Basic, Digets, NTLM, Any

For installation and configuration of Jetty plugin refer to elasticsearch-jetty repository

Suggestions Settings

  • Size - Set search suggestions max size. Defauls to 10.
  • Fuzzy Queries? - The completion suggester also supports fuzzy queries - this means, customers can actually have a typo in their searches and still get results back.
  • Fuzziness - Set search suggestions fuzziness. Increase fuzziness to increase suggestions for mispelled terms.

Search Settings

  • Searched Fields CSV - Comma separated list of fields used when performing searches. If left blank '_all' will be used. It is possible to boost a particular field by adding '^n' to the field name (where n is a number). For example name^5, desciption^10 will make description more relevant than name.
  • Search Query - Dropdown. Search query executed when performing searches. Default is 'Query String'

Query String query specific options

  • Lowercase Exapnded Fields - Boolean value. Default is 'No'.
  • Use Dis Max - Boolean value. Should the queries be combined using dis_max. Default is 'Yes'

Fuzzy Like This query specific options

  • Ignore Term Frequency - Boolean value. Should term frequency be ignored. Defaults to 'No'.
  • Max Query Terms - Integer value. The maximum number of query terms that will be included in any generated query. Defaults to 25.
  • Fuzziness - The minimum similarity of the term variants. Defaults to AUTO. See the section called “Fuzziness in elasticsearch documentation.
  • Prefix Length - Length of required common prefix on variant terms. Defaults to 0.
  • Boost - Sets the boost value of the query. Defaults to 1.0.
  • Analyzer - Optional. The analyser that will be used to analyse the text. Defaults to the analyser associated with the field.


  • Analyzed Fields CSV - Comma separated value of fields to be analysed with corresponding analyser type. Example: title:snowball,description:snowball,name:standard. Warning! Analysing filterable attributes should be avoided. These are automatically set to 'not_analyzed' for correct faceting in layered navigation during indexing.

Index Settings

  • Number of Shards - Number of shards. Default is 5.
  • Number of Replicas - Number of replicas. Default is 0.