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Build 4063 - Version 4.3.0

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@mcrossley mcrossley released this 04 Dec 17:16
· 41 commits to main since this release


  • Adds Rain Week to the dashboard
    • There is also a new web tag <#rweek>
    • Configure the start-of-week day in Station Settings > Rainfall
  • Added displaying snowfall data on the dashboard and default web site
    • Enable display of snow data on the dashboard, default web site, and graphs in Display Options
    • New web tag <#Option_showSnow>
    • You will need to re-upload the default web site files for this:
  • New web tags for 9am High/Low temperatures
  • New web tags for dawn and dusk
    <#IsDawn>, <#IsDusk>
  • Added some validation to the fields in the log editors
  • The dashboard and default web site can now display Chill Hours charts
  • Initial support for the new Ecowitt WH54 LDS01 Laser Distance sensors, just sensor info/battery decoding for now as that is all that is documented
  • The JSON Station type can now be used to input Extra Sensor data.
    • This supports all the JSON Station input feed types: file watcher, HTTP POST, and MQTT
  • Adds calibration for Station pressure (and so also for Altimeter pressure)
    • Note: If you use the option for Cumulus to calculate sea level pressure, then this new station pressure calibration is the one that will applied to the SLP as well
  • Adds Bluesky posting to the Third Party uploads list
    • The content to be posted at fixed intervals is contained in the web/Bluesky.txt file, you can include all the usual web tags
    • A sample file is included in the web folder for you to edit web/BlueskySample.txt
    • Timed posts default to using the same Interval tempate file web/Bluesky.txt, but you can override this so posts at different time can have independent content
    • In the template file(s), you may use the following features:
      • Include web links using the syntax: https:\\\page|Text for link|
      • Include hashtags using the normal #MyTagName
      • Include mentions using the normal @identifier
      • Attach images (max 4) to a post using the syntax: image:path_to_file|Alternative text|
        • The path_to_file can be either a local filesystem path, or a http url
        • Image formats supported: JPEG and PNG - it is best to post jpg images as Bluesky converts other formats to jpg and may alter them in the process
      • Cumulus will convert these to active links, tags, and mentions when posting the message
    • After editing the web/Bluesky.txt file, you must load it back into Cumulus by viewing the Third party uploads page where it will display the contents
  • Adds Bluesky posting from Alarms and User Alarms
    • Each alarm can have a different template file, but they all default to web/BlueskyAlarm.txt
    • A sample file is included in the web folder for you to edit web/BlueskyAlarmSample.txt
    • You can include the same features as the regular template above
    • In addition you can include the text |IncludeAlarmMessage| and this will include at the point the message that would be sent via email. These messages are editable in the Settings > Locale Strings page
    • Note: You must enable Bluesky and enter your Bluesky credentials in the Third Party Uploads settings, but you need not configure any Interval or Timed posts.
  • Adds support for the new Ecowitt Laser Distance Sensors to Ecowitt HTTP API and HTTP Station (Ecowitt) stations
    • Adds new web tags <#LaserDist1> - <#LaserDist4> and <#LaserDepth1> - <#LaserDepth4>
  • The upload.php script has been updated, it will now create the upload destination folder if it does not exist.


  • The extra sensors and the extra sensors log file now records null value values for absent readings. This will void logging spurious zero values at start-up
  • AirLinks and the AirLink log file now records null value values for absent readings. This will void logging spurious zero values at start-up
  • Indoor temperature and humidity now record null values
  • Solar Rad and UV-I now record null values
  • Removed NOT NULL requirements from the MySQL table definitions for Realtime, Monthly, and Dayfile
  • Efficiency improvements to all the "recent data" web tags
  • The Weather Diary has been revamped with revised fields to make it more useful
    • The existing Weather Diary database data is migrated to the new format on first run of v4.3.0
    • The Editor page gains a new "Export All" button to export your diary to CSV format
    • The Editor page gains a new "Upload File" button to re-import your exported CSV files
    • The Editor page now also has a Time field which defaults to the configured snow recording time, but you may override it
    • There is a new option to automatically create a snow depth record on your snow recording hour. This requires the connection of an Ecowitt WH54/LDS-01 sensor to your station
    • A new web tags <#snow24h> and <#snowcomment>
    • The web tag <#snowfalling> has been deprecated (it will return an empty string until it is removed)
    • A new daily graph data file alldailysnowdata.json
  • Chill Hours now allows you to define a base temperature, where chill hours are only counted if the temperature is < threshold AND > base
    • The base temperature defaults to -99 (°C or °F) to mimic the current behaviour where chill hours are counted if the temperature is just < threshold
    • Some cold stratification of seeds in the UK for instance only counts chill hours when it is between 1°C and 10°C
  • APRS/CWOP now sends the full "Ecowitt/Ambient/Tempest" station types
  • Revised US EPA PM2.5 AQI index to match February 2024 update
  • JSON station type now accepts laser distance measurements
  • Adds weekly rainfall to the end of the realtime.txt file
  • AWEKAS uploads to now increase the interval up to 10 minutes in the event of being rate limited
  • Dashboard Select-a-Period chart now defaults to a range of one month
  • Accessibility improvements to the Dashboard main menu
  • User Alarms:
    • You can now use multiple web tags and arithmetic operators in the data field
    • You now have the option of data Equals value type alarms as well as Above and Below
  • Changed Custom Alarms to User defined alarms in the dashboard menu
  • Reverts the change in v4.2.0 where External Programs sets the working directory to the location of the executable/script rather than the Cumulus MX home directory


  • Fix error editing extra log file data when MySQL updates enabled
  • Lightning Time showing a 1900 date when no lightning has been detected
  • Suppress Tempest station TaskCancellation message to the console on shutdown
  • Ecowitt WH51 channels 9-16 decoding in HTTP API fixed(?) Still all undocumented by Ecowitt, sigh!
  • Improvements to Ecowitt latest firmware checking
  • Error message output processing historic Ecowitt AQI Combo PM10 data
  • SQLite exception loading duplicate dayfile entries
  • Fix for Davis WLL gust checking attributing gusts from the last minutes of the previous day to the current day
  • Fix low battery warning for old model Ecowitt WH40 sensors that do not send the battery status when using the Ecowitt HTTP Local API
  • Alarms: removes checks for File.Exists(Action) and traps FileNotFound exceptions instead
  • Fix for new installs registering the year-to-date rainfall as todays rainfall
  • Fix for alarm sounds not playing on main dashboard after the initial page load

Package Updates

  • MySqlConnector
  • Sixlabors.ImageSharp
  • NReco.Logging.File
  • ServceStack.Text
  • Lots of System/Microsoft packages updated from v8.0 to v9.0